HIV/AIDS and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African
March 2002
Conrad's stand-in, Marlow, (in Heart of Darkness), muses on how
'the conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those
who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is
not a pretty thing when you look into it too much."
Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild, Houghton Mifflin Company, New
York, 1998.)
the human race loves a lord – that is, it loves to look upon or to be noticed
by the possessor of Power or Conspicuousness; and sometimes animals, born to
better things and higher ideals, descend to man's level in this matter. In the
Jardin des Plantes I have seen a cat that was so vain of being the personal
friend of an elephant that I was ashamed of her."
the Race of Man love a Lord?, by Mark Twain, April 1902: Mark
Twain, The Library of America, 1976.)
failure of American AIDS to 'explode' into the general population led the
authorities to look for the phenomenon elsewhere. New AIDS cases in the U.S.
began falling before the introduction of 'protease inhibitor' therapy, and from
1997 to 1998 dropped from about 60, 000 to 48, 000. Of teenagers diagnosed in
1998, only 68 were classified as 'heterosexual contact.' Among women, AIDS
diagnoses fell from 13, 000 in 1997 to 11, 000 in 1998... If the very high AIDS
spending by the U.S. government is to be sustained, the emergency would have to
be drummed up elsewhere... so Africa beckoned."
an Epidemic, The American Spectator, 2000, by Tom Bethell, Washington
money terms, first there is the pharmaceutical industry. If AIDS in Africa is
now a national security threat, as President Clinton has declared, American
money will be appropriated for the very expensive drugs to spend in Africa –
billions of dollars of potential profits. If Washington doesn't appropriate funds,
there's the fear that African nations might buy generic, foreign-made copies of
U.S. drugs. Then there is the public health establishment. More billions can go
for salaries, offices, staffing, travel and long reports. The World Health
Organisation budget has skyrocketed along with African AIDS statistics. Many
public health officials are well meaning, seeing AIDS fears as the only way to
get money to help the misery afflicting so much of Africa. In America,
government AIDS money is spreading far and wide. Federal spending now tops $10
billion and is increasing yearly even as case loads fall."
Hype in Africa? No HIV Test Required, Disease Defined Differently Than in U.S.,
by Jon Basil Utley, Robert A. Taft Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, USA,
April 30, 2000.)
Can't Just Take a Pill for AIDS"; New York Times (
(07/06/00) P. A27; Goldyn, Lawrence.
Goldyn, a doctor who treats HIV-positive patients, writes in an editorial that
South African President Thabo Mbeki has frustrated AIDS researchers with his
decision not to promote the use of the drug AZT and his consideration that HIV
may not cause AIDS. However, in the light of the country's poor infrastructure,
these decisions are rational. South Africa lacks the resources and
pharmaceuticals to treat its growing HIV-infected population. Cocktail drugs
cost up to $15,000 a year, not affordable for most, and unavailable without the
social, economic, and medical structures needed to administer drug therapies.
The complicated treatments for HIV require full adherence and stability, and
getting South Africans to follow a drug schedule could be impossible, based on
the past failure of tuberculosis treatments. Transmission of HIV to newborns is
also an issue, but in a country where breast-feeding is the only option, the
infection rate is 30 per cent for infants born to an infected mother. The best
solution is an AIDS vaccine, but without research funds that turn profits, it
is years away. Mbeki is right to say that the Western way of fighting AIDS will
not transfer to Africa."
Current TB News: Week of July 10, 2000: Johns Hopkins Center for Tuberculosis Research.
my journey through the pharmaceutical jungle progressed, (in which a number of
people were murdered, others killed with experimental drugs, and governments
and universities corrupted), I came to realise that, by comparison with the
reality, my story was as tame as a holiday postcard."
"The Constant Gardener" by John le Carre. (Author's
Note): Coronet Books, Hodder and Stoughton, London. 2001.
This monograph discusses the vexed question of HIV/AIDS.
It is based on the assumption that to understand this matter, it is necessary
to study it.
It does not accept the assertion that only scientists and medical doctors are capable
of understanding this medical condition. Written essentially by non-scientists,
it nevertheless seeks to understand the scientific logic of the thesis of
It accepts that there are many unanswered scientific questions about the
HIV/AIDS thesis and many hypotheses about this matter that are falsely
presented as facts.
It recognises the reality that there are many people and
institutions across the world that have a vested interest in the propagation of
the HIV/AIDS thesis, because they have too much to lose if any important
element of this thesis is proved to be false.
It accepts that these include the pharmaceutical companies, which are
marketing anti-retroviral drugs that can only be sold, and therefore generate
profits, on the basis of the universal acceptance of the assertion that
"HIV causes AIDS".
It also accepts that among those that share the vested interests of these
companies are governments and official health institutions, inter-governmental
organisations, official medical licensing and registration institutions,
scientists and academics, media organisations, non-governmental organisations
and individuals.
It recognises that there are many well-meaning institutions and individuals in
our country and the rest of the world who have innocently accepted and
propagate the positions advanced by those who share these vested interests.
It accepts that these have to be exposed to the truth, in the conviction that their
consciences will enable them to side with the truth against the untruth,
provided that they are informed of the truth.
It also accepts that the HIV/AIDS thesis as it has
affected and affects Africans and black people in general, is also informed by
deeply entrenched and centuries-old white racist beliefs and concepts about
Africans and black people. At the same time as this thesis is based on these
racist beliefs and concepts, it makes a powerful contribution to the further
entrenchment and popularisation of racism.
It further recognises the reality that, driven by fear of
their destruction as a people because of an allegedly unstoppable plague,
Africans and black people themselves have been persuaded to join and support a
campaign whose result is further to entrench their dehumanisation.
this context, it recognises the reality that in our own
country, the unstated assumption about everything to do with HIV/AIDS is that,
as a so-called "pandemic", HIV/AIDS is exclusively a problem
manifested among the African people.
It recognises the fact that for the whole truth to
emerge, and nothing but the truth, a difficult struggle will have to be waged
to overcome the determined resistance of those who have a vested interest in
the perpetuation and entrenchment of the currently dominant HIV/AIDS
It also recognises the frightening and dangerous reality that some of those who share
this vested interest are ready and willing to do everything in their power to
ensure that their view prevails, globally. This includes the use of any means
and measures whatsoever, with no holds barred, to destroy and remove all those
who oppose them.
It therefore warns that those who open their minds to what
is contained in this document as a whole should understand that they expose
themselves to many hazards and dangers that may pose a threat to their careers,
their future and their lives.
The monograph accepts that our people, and others
elsewhere in Africa and the rest of the world, face a serious problem of AIDS.
It accepts the determination that AIDS stands for Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
It accepts that a Syndrome is a collection of diseases. It proceeds from the
assumption that the collection of diseases generally described as belonging to
the AIDS syndrome have known causes.
It rejects as illogical the proposition that AIDS is a single disease caused by a
singular virus, HIV.
other words, it accepts that AIDS is either a syndrome or a
disease. It cannot be both. Its acronym correctly describes it as a syndrome.
For this reason, it is not described as AIDD.
It accepts that an essential part of AIDS is immune deficiency. This
constitutes the ID in AIDS.
It accepts that this immune deficiency may be acquired, accounting for the A
in AIDS.
It asserts that there are many conditions that cause acquired immune
deficiency, including malnutrition and disease.
It therefore argues that, in our situation, many and varied interventions have to be
made to protect and strengthen the immune systems of our people.
It accepts that these include attention to our nutrition and the eradication
of the diseases of poverty that afflict millions of our people.
It accepts that a vaccine should be developed to strengthen the immune system so as
to reduce its exposure to the possibility of deficiency.
It accepts that HIV may be one of the causes of this immune deficiency, but
cannot be the only cause.
It accepts the proposition that currently existing kits used to check the existence
or otherwise of HIV give a "positive" result in response to a variety
of medical conditions.
Accordingly, it accepts the assertion that these kits do
not establish the presence or absence in the human body of HIV.
It accepts the proposition that these kits detect the presence of antibodies
produced by the immune system to fight conditions in the human body that the
immune system identifies as a threat to good health.
It rejects as baseless and self-serving the assertion that millions of our
people are HIV positive.
It supports the proposition that correct medical practice demands that each
person should be treated for any illness identified through clinical
examination, regardless of their "HIV status".
It therefore rejects the condemnation of people to a slow death on the basis that they
are HIV infected, which condition cannot be reversed.
It accepts the proposition that anti-retroviral drugs can neither cure AIDS
nor destroy the HI virus.
It therefore rejects the suggestion that the challenge of AIDS in our country can be
solved by resort to anti-retroviral drugs.
It rejects the assertion that, among the nations, we have the highest
incidence of HIV infection and AIDS deaths, caused by sexual immorality among
our people.
It rejects the claim that AIDS is the single largest cause of death in our
It argues that we must understand properly and comprehensively the burden of
disease and death in our country and ensure that we follow appropriate health
and other policies to address this burden, including treatment.
It accepts that the pursuit of the objective of health for all must continue
to be one of the central objectives of our government and society.
It argues that while those who have commercial and political interests in
the promotion of anti-retroviral drugs, and insulting our people, pursue an
agenda aimed at minimising and denying the real causes of illness and death in
our country, we have a responsibility to understand these real causes of
illness and death.
It rejects the argument to "break the silence" about AIDS by
imposing the silence of the grave about diseases of poverty.
It is opposed to the medicalisation of poverty.
It argues that an all-round approach should be adopted to deal with AIDS,
focusing in particular on prevention of any infection or condition that might
lead to immune deficiency, including sexually transmitted diseases.
It argues that an all-round approach should be adopted to deal with all
diseases that affect our people.
It is based on the proposition that each one of our citizens has a
responsibility to take all necessary measures to protect his or her health.
It rejects as fundamentally incorrect and anti-democratic the attempt to transfer
the responsibility to look after oneself to the state, which seeks to turn the
state into an omnipotent apparatus that must even police the sexual activities
of every individual South African.
It asserts that it is important that the government and society as a whole
should ensure that the citizen has all the necessary information to be able to
discharge the responsibility to conduct himself or herself in a responsible
The monograph accepts the responsibility of the state to
do everything it can to provide adequate and affordable health care for all our
citizens. This must include treatment of the so-called opportunistic diseases,
including TB and STD's.
It argues for loyalty to the truth and a refusal on the part of the government and
the people to succumb to pressures that are directed at serving particular
commercial and political interests at the expense of the health of our people.
It rejects the assertion that, as Africans, we are prone to rape and abuse of
women and that we uphold a value system that belongs to the world of wild
animals, and that this accounts for the alleged "high incidence" of
"HIV infection" in our country.
It enjoins all our people to think for themselves, refusing to be intimidated
or terrorised by those who have powerful voices and the backing of the fabulous
wealth we do not have, because we are poor.
It recognises that the effort it took to produce this monograph will only be
meaningful to the extent that we, as Africans, have the courage, integrity and
self-confidence to think and act independently and correctly, in our own
It accepts that ours are a courageous, principled and confident people, who
have demonstrated these qualities over many centuries.
The monograph is based on the recognition of the fact that the
HIV/AIDS issue is both scientific/medical and profoundly political.
It accepts the proposition that despite the reality that our world is driven
by a value system based on financial profit and individual material reward, the
notion of human solidarity remains a valid precept governing human behaviour.
The monograph seeks to advance the cause both of better health for all our people and
the recovery of our dignity as black people and human beings. These are
fundamental to our very being as a movement and a people and therefore do not
permit of any compromise.
Chapter I
the 19th century came to a close, in 1900, the great
pan-Africanist, W.E.B. du Bois, said that the problem of the 20th century
was the problem of the colour line. During the last year of this 20th century,
2000, our President, Thabo Mbeki, was asked to open the Durban 13th International
AIDS Conference, which he did.
reporting this event, the media said that hundreds of delegates walked out of
this opening session both because of what the President said and what he did
not say. Let us quote what he said.
me tell you a story that the World Health Organisation told the world in 1995.
I will tell this story in the words used by the World Health Organisation.
is the story: The world's biggest killer and the greatest cause of
ill-health and suffering across the globe is listed almost at the end of the
International Classification of Diseases. It is given the code Z59.5 - extreme
is the main reason why babies are not vaccinated, why clean water and
sanitation are not provided, why curative drugs and other treatments are
unavailable and why mothers die in childbirth. It is the underlying cause of
reduced life expectancy, handicap, disability and starvation. Poverty is a
major contributor to mental illness, stress, suicide, family disintegration and
substance abuse. Every year in the developing world 12.2 million children under
5 years die, most of them from causes which could be prevented for just a few
US cents per child. They die largely because of world indifference, but most of
all they die because they are poor.
the heartening facts about decreased mortality and increasing life expectancy,
and many other undoubted health advances, lie unacceptable disparities in
wealth. The gaps between rich and poor, between one population group and
another, between ages and between sexes, are widening. For most people in the
world today every step of life, from infancy to old age, is taken under the
twin shadows of poverty and inequity, and under the double burden of suffering
and disease.
many, the prospect of longer life may seem more like a punishment than a gift.
Yet by the end of the century we could be living in a world without poliomyelitis,
a world without new cases of leprosy, a world without deaths from neonatal
tetanus and measles. But today the money that some developing countries have to
spend per person on health care over an entire year is just US $4, less than
the amount of small change carried in the pockets and purses of many people in
the developed countries.
person in one of the least developed countries in the world has a life
expectancy of 43 years according to 1993 calculations. A person in one of the
most developed countries has a life expectancy of 78, a difference of more than
a third of a century. This means a rich, healthy man can live twice as long as
a poor, sick man...
and AIDS are having a devastating effect on young people.
many countries in the developing world, up to two-thirds of all new infections
are among people aged 15-24. Overall it is estimated that half the global HIV
infections have been in people under 25 years with 60% of infections of females
occurring by the age of 20. Thus the hopes and lives of a generation, the
breadwinners, providers and parents of the future, are in jeopardy."
he said all these things, it was said that hundreds of delegates walked out on
President Mbeki!
also walked out because there were two things he did not say. One of
these was that he did not say that HIV causes AIDS! The other was
that he did not say that HIV/AIDS is the single greatest threat to the survival
of the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa!
he concluded his address with the words:
"The world's biggest killer and the greatest cause of ill health
and suffering across the globe, including South Africa, is extreme poverty.
there more that all of us should do together, assuming that in a world driven
by a value system based on financial profit and individual material reward, the
notion of human solidarity remains a valid precept governing human behaviour!
On behalf of our government and people, I wish the 13th International AIDS
Conference success, confident that you have come to these African shores as
messengers of hope and hopeful that when you conclude your important work, we,
as Africans, will be able to say that you who came to this city, which occupies
a fond place in our hearts, came here because you care. Thank you for your
both by what he said and what he did not say, reportedly hundreds of delegates
who undoubtedly consider themselves to be friends of the Africans, walked out
on the President.
great puzzle is why these friends of the Africans found the truth, as told by
the WHO, so unpalatable. Medical science everywhere in the world recognises the
central importance of diseases of poverty.
we will demonstrate later, even the most highly developed countries in the
world are themselves involved in a struggle against diseases of poverty within
their own borders.
some strange reason, Africa, among the poorest continents of the world, is not
supposed to talk about these diseases of poverty and to focus on their
eradication. We are urged from all sides to break the silence about
HIV/AIDS and maintain perfect silence about the diseases of poverty.
what do we owe these strange goings-on!
The war to defeat AIDS is also a war to defeat the humiliation and
dehumanisation of the African people.
humiliation and dehumanisation 'is not a pretty thing when you look into it too
the humiliated and dehumanised speak of it too much, some friends of the
African judge such conversation as not being a pretty thing. Discussion then
becomes impossible.
war to defeat AIDS is a difficult struggle because it is not only a struggle
against the conditions that produce ill health and unnecessary death among
millions of Africans, challenging as this struggle is.
is a difficult struggle also because it has to be waged against some friends of
the African, who find that the truth is not a pretty thing.
that they stand on irrefutable scientific knowledge, these particular friends
of the Africans, and the Africans themselves, are horrified beyond measure that
the Africans will perish, consumed by an HIV/AIDS pandemic which is sweeping across
the face of Sub-Saharan Africa.
are produced regularly to show rapidly growing HIV infections and rapidly
growing deaths from HIV/AIDS on our continent.
friends claim that millions of Africans, in increasing numbers, are infected
with a highly mutant and indestructible Human Immunodeficiency Virus. They say
that this HI Virus is communicated from person to person through heterosexual
intercourse and from mother to child.
stop the spread of the Virus, they say that the Africans should abstain from
sexual intercourse or use condoms.
also say that HIV-positive mothers should be given drugs to stop the
transmission of the Virus. Their babies, too, should be given the same drugs,
presumably to kill the Virus if the mother has nevertheless transmitted it.
urge that in the event of rape, the victims should also be given drugs, in case
the rapist/s is or are carriers of the HI Virus.
argue that all the above conforms, unequivocally, to the best available
scientific knowledge. It is therefore unquestionable. Diagnosis, prevention and
treatment are all based on immutable scientific truths that were agreed by the
global scientific community 20 years ago.
is then said that to question any of the above, or to ask any questions whatsoever,
is to commit the sacrilege of questioning science itself and take on the guilt
of the perpetration of the high crime of genocide.
message is simple to understand and communicate. If it moves – clothe it in a
condom! If it was naked – destroy its diseased emission with drugs!
message is also simple in another way. The assertion is made that scientific
discoveries about HIV and AIDS were proclaimed two decades ago. At the moment
of the proclamation, the science of AIDS came to a standstill. It was frozen at
this particular moment into an unquestionable and unchangeable monument to
scientific thought.
further scientific inquiry into this matter is impermissible.
scientific knowledge as was possible two decades ago must be supported by all
and sundry, including scientists, as part of a religious dogma. Accordingly, to
establish his or her credentials, everybody must answer the ballad question –
do you believe that HIV causes AIDS! Belief about
a scientific matter, and not empirical evidence, thus becomes the criterion of
his book, "Eros & Civilisation", (Sphere Books, London:
1970), Herbert Marcuse wrote of our epoch as "a period when the omnipotent
apparatus punishes real non-conformity with ridicule and defeat... "
so it has come to pass that anybody who has dared to question any of the above
allegedly established scientific truths, has been confronted by this omnipotent
apparatus. Accordingly, it has punished non-conformity with ridicule, defeat
and worse.
in the same book, Marcuse writes:
primal father, as the archetype of domination, initiates the chain reaction of
enslavement, rebellion, and reinforced domination which marks the history of
civilisation. But ever since the first, prehistoric restoration of domination
following the first rebellion, repression from without has been supported by repression
from within, the unfree individual introjects his masters and their
commands into his own mental apparatus. The struggle against freedom reproduces
itself in the psyche of man, as the self-repression of the repressed
individual, and his self-repression in turn sustains his masters and their
institutions."(Our emphases).
our case, it would seem that this is precisely what the "omnipotent
apparatus" has achieved. The defeat and repression of the non-conformists
is sustained by repression from within. The unfree individuals, the Africans,
have introjected their masters and the commands of the masters into their own
mental apparatus. Thus do they sustain their masters, their ideas and their
his 'Political Preface 1966' to this book, Herbert Marcuse says:
people, efficiently manipulated and organised, are free; ignorance and
impotence, introjected heteronomy (the internalisation by the 'unfree' as the
true exercise of individual autonomy of the practice of seeming to make an
independent determination of choices, which are, in reality, pre-determined by
another – Our annotation) is the price of their freedom."
goes on to say:
started as subjection by force soon became 'voluntary servitude', collaboration
in reproducing a society which made servitude increasingly rewarding and
palatable... Today, this union of freedom and servitude has become 'natural'
and a vehicle of progress."
Twain put this differently when he said the 'all the human race loves a lord...
In the Jardin des Plantes I have seen a cat that was so vain of being the
personal friend of an elephant that I was ashamed of her.'
Chapter II
in citing these passages, especially from "Eros & Civilisation",
we have moved forward far too quickly in terms of the presentation of our
narrative, which the omnipotent apparatus views and denounces as
us therefore retrace our steps and, as it were, begin from the beginning.
The Book
of Genesis in the Holy Bible, says:
"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw
that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness."
example from this, though disadvantaged by the fact that we do not have the
power of the Creator, we trust that what we present in this brief discourse
will help all of us to separate the light from the darkness with regard to the
issue of AIDS. This may be difficult. It is, nevertheless, critically
that our minds on this matter have become thoroughly clogged by the information
communicated by the omnipotent apparatus, a miracle will have to be achieved to
get all our people to use their brains, rather than perish on emotional
responses based on greatly heightened levels of fear.
reality, as will become clear, what we are about is the cleaning of the Augean
stables that constrain the African mind. Let us present our first scientific
first report on the incidence of HIV in South and Southern Africa was published
in the "New England Journal of Medicine" and the "South
African Medical Journal", both in 1985.
of the most important findings in this report were that in our country and
quote this report, it said:
only positive subjects were in the group compromising male homosexuals. The
majority of these positive subjects had either recently been to the United
States or had had sexual contact with other homosexuals who had visited the
United States... Our preliminary data show that the agent implicated in causing
AIDS, HTLV-III (later named HIV), is not endemic in this part of Africa."
the same year, October 1985, German researchers had an article published in the
British medical journal, The Lancet. They stated that:
data suggest that HTLV-III was rare in Africa until recently, and still is rare
in much of the continent."
of our friends, the friends of the Africans, say that five years later, this
situation had changed completely. They say that now, in our region and country,
the HI Virus was transmitted heterosexually and that it had become endemic.
point made in the 1985 report about male homosexuals and HIV coincided with
what science said about the incidence of HIV in the United States and Western
Europe at the time.
all intents and purposes, 15 years later, this situation has not changed both
in the US and in Western Europe. But, as we have said, and as is generally
known, our own situation has changed radically, resulting also in it being said
that we now have the highest incidence of HIV or the spread of HIV in the
question that arises from this is – why! Why does the same Virus behave
differently in the US and Western Europe from the way it behaves in Southern
would seem obvious that this question must be asked. If we are interested in
the advance of scientific knowledge, the better to understand the African human
condition, it is imperative that an answer be found.
would seem equally obvious that for us successfully to deal with the HI Virus
as it affects us, we need to understand what induces it to behave differently
in different parts of the world.
answer to these questions, some of our friends, the friends of the Africans,
say that we are affected by a particular type or variant of the HI Virus, which
is unique to ourselves and which also mutates at a high frequency rate.
this answer throws up new questions. Why is this special type of HI Virus
confined only to our region of the world! Why does it not spread to other
areas, even within Africa! What happened to the 1985 South African HI Virus
which behaved in the same way as the US and West European HI Virus! If it
mutated into what it is today, why did it not mutate in the same way in the US
and Western Europe!
more, scientifically substantiated answers to these questions are necessary to
enable us to defeat the HI Virus as it affects us. It would seem only logical,
once the assertion was made that ours is a unique HI Virus, that, consequently,
unique solutions have to be found to respond to this distinct situation.
to now, no answers have been provided to any of the questions that have been
posed. Instead, in the name of science and friendship with the Africans, the
omnipotent apparatus of which Marcuse wrote, has sought to present honest
questions as a manifestation of unacceptable non-conformity.
has done everything it could, and continues to act, to punish those who dare to
ask questions. It uses its might, sustained by the self-repression of the
Africans, to ensure the permanent repression of those who inquire.
1995 three scientists, Zvi Bentwich, Alexander Kalinkovich & Ziva Weisman,
sought to provide answers to some of these questions in a 'Viewpoint' published
in "Immunology Today" (Vol 16 No 4). They wrote:
features of the AIDS epidemic in Africa mark it as a distinct entity from the
disease that is present in North America and Europe: it is primarily a
heterosexually transmitted disease with a male-to-female ratio of 1:1, and
lacks the known 'classical' risk groups of male homosexuals and intravenous
(i.v.) drug users; it is probably transmitted more easily; the progression of
infection and disease is faster – the time from infection to onset of clinical
manifestations and overall survival may be shorter; and the clinical
manifestations are different, particularly the main opportunistic infections
and the main organ systems involved...
view is that profound changes in the host immune response may
account for the dramatic differences in the behaviour of the AIDS epidemic in
Africa and in other developing countries. Such changes make the host more
susceptible to HIV infection and less capable of controlling the infection once
it is acquired. Infectious diseases, mostly helminth (intestinal worm) infections
endemic in Africa and the developing countries, activate the immune system and
alter its balance in such a way that makes the host more receptive to HIV and
more vulnerable to its effects. This altered 'background' immune response must
be taken into consideration when designing vaccines and devising new therapies
for HIV in Africa and other developing countries. (Our emphasis).
average African host is exposed to a huge number of infectious diseases from
early childhood onwards. These include various bacterial, viral and
parasitic infections. Noteworthy is the wide prevalence of helminth infections,
malaria and tuberculosis in most parts of Africa: especially in Sub-Saharan
Africa, and in East and West Africa. Also of central importance is the very
high prevalence of STDs, particularly genital ulcer diseases (GUDs), which play
an important role in facilitating the dissemination of HIV infection into the
general population... (Our emphasis).
addition to the central role of STDs, important cofactors such as the cultural
habit of scarification, as well as transfusion, hygiene and nutrition, may
facilitate HIV transmission and infection."
February 27, 2002, the British newspaper "The Guardian" carried
two articles, one entitled: "Sex diseases soar among generation no
longer in fear of AIDS epidemic", and the other: "Scourge of
syphilis returns as gays fail to heed safe sex message".
latter article on syphilis says:
the past year there have been outbreaks of syphilis in Manchester, North London
and Brighton. The disease, which had almost disappeared from Britain, can lead
to brain damage, disability and even death if untreated...
three quarters of the Manchester cases have been in young gay or bisexual men,
typically in their twenties or early thirties. The heterosexual cases were
thought to be a separate cluster with links abroad. About a quarter had another
sexually transmitted infection as well as syphilis and around a fifth knew they
were HIV positive...
Manchester health authority report said the men told of heavy use of alcohol,
and drugs 'with aphrodisiac and disinhibitory effects'... Further research is
needed into why people seem not to be heeding safer sex advice, particularly in
relation to unprotected anal sex. Reasons could include boredom with the
messages, people feeling (inaccurately) that HIV is curable... "
other article says:
transmitted diseases are rampaging through the UK unchecked as a new generation
of young people, who missed the AIDS scare of the 1980s, fail to protect
themselves by practising safe sex.
to a report published yesterday by the British Medical Association, (BMA),
sexually transmitted infections, which include HIV/AIDS, gonorrhoea and
syphilis, have soared by almost 300, 000 cases between 1995 and 2000. The
consequences can be devastating. Those who become HIV positive may not die but
are condemned to a lifetime on toxic drugs, while thousands of women who
unknowingly contract chlamydia, which often has no symptoms, risk
the BMA, the group most at risk now – aged 18-24 – are too young to have seen
the (1980s AIDS) adverts or been impressed by (their) dire message...
Martin, sexual health programme manager in Brighton, where gay men have been
encouraged to go for six monthly sexual health 'MOTs' because of an outbreak of
syphilis, said their clinics were now 'bursting at the seams'."
Daily Telegraph" also of February 27, 2002 reported that:
1995 to 2000 the figures for new cases (of) gonorrhoea were up by 102 per
cent... , chlamydia up by 107 per cent... , and syphilis up by 145 per cent...
Thousands of cases of at least 22 other sexually transmitted infections provide
the new total.
James Bingham, consultant in genito-urinary medicine at Guy's and St Thomas'
Hospitals in London, said syphilis was reaching the level seen when Second
World War troops came home and gonorrhoea was at levels seen before the AIDS
same edition of "The Daily Telegraph" carries a letter by
Robert Whelan of "Civitas" which comments on the BMA
report. It is entitled "The results of AIDS scaremongering".
The letter says:
spread of STDs, which is particularly concentrated among teenagers and the
early twenties, can truly be described as having reached epidemic proportions,
and the consequences of some of these conditions can be both serious and long
"However, the false sense of security that young people have about
STDs is partly due to the hysterical promotion of AIDS as a major public health
issue in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The AIDS "epidemic" never
materialised and, partly as a result, people now treat all warnings about the
consequences of sexual activity as scaremongering. (Our emphasis.)
question is: what do we do about it now? Unfortunately, the leaders of the
medical profession appear to have few ideas."
issues raised by Robert Whelan apply directly and immediately to us. We are the
latest victim of the scare mongering that visited the people of the US, the UK
and the rest of the western world "in the late 1980s and early
1990s." We too are already harvesting the bitter fruits of the sustained
campaign of which Robert Whelan complains.
he spoken out against this scare mongering in the 1980s and 1990s, Robert
Whelan would have been denounced by the omnipotent apparatus as engaging in a
"denial" that would condemn millions of Britons to death.
as in the UK, it is precisely this scare mongering that is condemning millions
of our own people to ill-health, disability and death because of a refusal to
recognise the critical importance of the diseases of poverty and other
illnesses that afflict our people, including STDs. This is done to
sustain a massive political-commercial campaign to promote anti-retroviral
British Medical Association was reporting on the situation in the UK as at year
2000. We are talking here of a country that has a very well developed health
infrastructure and a population that is not generally affected by diseases of
poverty or exceedingly low levels of education.
article we quoted earlier, published in 1995 by "Immunology Today"
and written by Zvi Bentwich et al, which pointed to "the central
role" of sexually transmitted diseases in contributing to immune
deficiency, referred especially to Africa and the rest of the developing world.
that case we were talking of countries that have a very weak health
infrastructure, endemic diseases of poverty and widespread ignorance, which
results in many taboos and superstitions. If it can be said now of
a country as developed as the UK, that a crisis of STDs is emerging, we can
only imagine what is happening in the countries of which Bentwich wrote!
from the MRC Maternal and Perinatal Research Unit at Kalafong Hospital in
Tshwane indicates that between 2,8% and 11% of stillbirths and perinatal deaths
were attributed to syphilis in 1993. (Delport, De Jong, Pattinson &
then, the prevalence of active syphilis infection in mothers in antenatal care
has been reduced by more than half. This success is due to improved primary
health care, antenatal care, supply of penicillin, etc.
is estimated that a 20% reduction in STD's in South Africa over the next 15
years would result in HIV sero prevalence of below 1% in 2015 rather than the
projected 16% (Wasserheit 1992). There are 11 million episodes of STD's being
treated annually in South Africa, often unsatisfactorily (Reddy, 1999), with
12% of men report symptoms suggestive of STI in the previous 12 months. (South
African Demographic Health Survey, 2000).
of these prevalence levels, our government is paying particular attention to
the prevention and treatment of STD's. For the reasons we have already stated,
this will make an important contribution to the fight against acquired immune
for the omnipotent apparatus the most important thing is the marketing of the
anti-retroviral drugs. The issues raised by Bentwich and others, of the
importance of STDs with regard to immune deficiency have been buried by the
imposition of a blanket silence about the incidence and prevalence of these
diseases. At the same time, it is demanded of all of us that we must break the
the report of the British Medical Association will become better known to alert
even us, who, as Marcuse said, may be suffering from the self-repression of the
repressed individual. We should be alerted to the fact that if STDs in a
country as developed as the UK are "rampaging through the (country)
unchecked", then the situation in our countries must be catastrophic.
or three years ago, the South African Medical Research Council (MRC) prepared a
report for Eskom on "the incidence of HIV" among the staff of the
company. In this report the MRC drew attention to two disturbing matters.
of these was the high incidence of STDs among our people, as noted by Bentwich
et al. The second was the very shoddy medical treatment of these diseases by
general practitioners in our country, which leaves many infected people
continuing to incubate these diseases because of incomplete and incompetent
treatment by our doctors. The article by Bentwich et al draws attention to the
serious threat this poses with regard to our immune systems.
as it is to the propagation of the faith about HIV/AIDS and the marketing of
anti-retroviral drugs, the MRC - a state institution supposedly dedicated to
serve the people of South Africa – says virtually nothing in its public
communications about STDs in our country and what we should do about them.
know why the pharmaceutical companies pay little attention to the overwhelming
majority of diseases that afflict the poor. The simple reason is that the
treatment of these diseases does not offer big profits.
public servants working at the MRC have still to explain why they seem so
little interested in the overwhelming majority of diseases that afflict the
poor. Could it be the same reasons as those influencing the behaviour of the
commercial enterprises!
a year 2000 letter to a WHO Task Force on STDs, Dr John B. Scythes of Canada
basic concept is that by stopping syphilis, or at least slowing it down, far
fewer people will get HIV-infected and/or develop AIDS – but not just because
of fewer opportunities for transmission of the virus. I respectfully suggest
that syphilis represents more than simply an ulcerative or focal activation
phenomenon in HIV acquisition/AIDS. Syphilis may also turn out to be an
important immunologic co-factor for susceptibility to active viral expression
and progression to AIDS...
am suggesting you consider the problem of latent syphilis, when the disease has
gone untreated or inadequately treated for some highly variable period
of time, a phenomenon which has simply not been investigated in modern
times in terms of its immunologic consequences." (Our emphasis).
Chapter III
scientists have also addressed the issues raised above, that "profound
changes in the host immune response may account for the dramatic differences in
the behaviour of the AIDS epidemic in Africa and in other developing
an article in the World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 11,
135-143, E. Papadopulos-Eleopolus et al, wrote:
researchers in Africa, including those from the CDC and WHO, admit that immune
deficiency in Africa has existed for a considerable period of time and this has
not been due to HIV.
protein calorie malnutrition, and various parasitic diseases can all be
associated with depression of cellular immunity' (Pearce, R.B. 1986
Heterosexual transmission of AIDS. Journal of the American Medical
Association 256, 590-591. Piot, P. et al.)'
wide range of prevalent (in Africa) protozoal and helminthic infections have
been reported to induce immunodeficiency. (Clumeck, N. et al: Journal
of the American Medical Association 254; New England Journal
of Medicine 310.'
healthy Africans resident in a non-AIDS area, the numbers of helper and
suppressor lymphocytes were the same in HTLV-III/LAV seropositive and
seronegative subjects... (Biggar, R.J. et al: The Lancet II,
are frequently exposed, due to hygienic conditions and other factors, to a wide
variety of viruses, including CMV, EBV, hepatitis B virus, and HSV, all of
which are known to modulate the immune system... Furthermore, the Africans in
the present study are at an additional risk for immunologic alterations since
they are frequently afflicted with a wide variety of diseases, such as malaria,
trypanosomiasis, and filariasis, that are also known to have a major effect on
the immune system... (CMV=cytomegalovirus; EBV=Epstein-Barr virus; HSV=herpes
simplex virus). (Quinn, T.C. et al: Journal of the American Medical
Association, 257, 2617-2621.)'"
"The New Encyclopaedia Britannica" (15th Edition),
discusses "immune deficiencies" it says:
are several ways in which the protective mechanisms (of the immune system)
outlined above may fail. Some are inborn, due to genetic defects in the
development of one or more of the cells involved in immune responses. Others
result from infectious agents that damage essential immune cells. Still others
are due to poisons or to drugs administered accidentally or with the intention
of curing or ameliorating other diseases. In yet other cases, the immune
deficiency stems from inadequate nutrition...
infections by certain parasites, such as trypanosomes, also cause immune
deficiency, as do forms of cancer, but it is uncertain how this comes about...
countries where the diet, especially that of growing children is grossly
inadequate in respect to protein intake, severe malnutrition ranks as an
important cause of immune deficiency. Antibody responses and cell-mediated
immunity are seriously impaired, probably due to atrophy of the thymus and the
consequent deficiency of helper T cells. This renders the children particularly
susceptible to measles and diarrheal diseases. Fortunately, they thymus and the
rest of the immune system can recover completely if adequate nutrition is
its discussion of "sleeping sickness", "The Oxford English
Dictionary", Second Edition, says:
of several similar diseases caused by protozoans of the genus Trypanosoma and
transmitted by flies of the genus Glossina, prevalent in tropical
Africa, and characterised by the proliferation of the trypanosomes in the blood
and changes in the central nervous system leading to apathy, coma, and
have inserted this definition to explain to the reader some of the diseases
caused by the trypanosomes referred to in the medical texts.)
et al describe the effects of 100mg of the "recreational" drug
Ecstacy used by young people at "rave parties". The 17 volunteers
received one or two doses in a 24 hour period, resulting in a 30% decline in
blood concentration of CD4+ cells within hours of the single dose. The CD4+
levels recovered to their former levels within the subsequent 24 hours.
subjects who received two doses of the drug four hours apart, the decline of
CD4+ cells was even more serious, reaching a level of 40% below normal.
Although a day later T cell levels rose, they did not return to normal.
R, et al: "Effects of repeated doses of MDMA ('Ecstacy') on
cell-mediated immune response in humans". Life Sciences 2001; 69:
2 931 – 2 941.)
the report claims that the effect of Ecstasy can rise to deadly levels among
people living with AIDS who take protease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitors such as nevirapine.
another study, Pacifici et al report on the effect on the immune system of the
combination of Ecstacy and alcohol, for which they used six healthy volunteers.
was a decline in CD4/CD8 cell ratio due to a decrease in both percentage and
absolute terms of CD4 T-helper cells and a simultaneous increase in natural
killer cells. Alcohol consumption produced a decrease in T-helper cells and B
lymphocytes. The combination of MDMA and alcohol (ethanol) had the greatest
suppressive effect on T cells. Drug treatment also produced also produced a
large increase of immunosuppressive cytokines.
R, et al: "Acute effects of 3,4 methylendioxymethamphetamine alone
and in combination with ethanol on the immune system in humans". J
Pharmacol Exp Ther, 2001; 296(1): 207-215.)
simply, what all this means is that the drug Ecstacy on its own and in
combination with alcohol suppresses the immune system. It is not difficult to
see from this that, as with intravenous drug users, prolonged abuse of this
drug alone and together with alcohol, can lead to acquired immune deficiency.
This has nothing to do with HIV!
the scientific texts we have cited assert that there are many conditions that
cause changes to the immune system, including malnutrition and various
tropical diseases, themselves a manifestation and consequence of
poverty and underdevelopment. To our knowledge, no serious scientist has or
would question these known and provable scientific truths.
for us, and the scientists, the omnipotent apparatus denounces these views as
being non-conformist and therefore totally unacceptable. It condemns them as
belonging to a school of thought categorised as "dissident" and
genocidal. They must therefore be suppressed.
must be done, so they say, to save us, the Africans, from the HIV/AIDS pandemic
and, according to them, the sole cause of immune deficiency, HIV.
medical science recognises the disastrous impact of malnutrition on us as
Africans and the rest of the developing countries.
Indian article ( says: (See also: the World Health
Report, 1998):
40% of the 10 million deaths among under-five children each year in the
developing world are associated with malnutrition...
malnutrition is the major determinant of IUGR (intrautrine growth retardation)
in developing countries...
Africa... the actual number of malnourished children has, in fact, risen. In
addition, natural disasters, wars, civil disturbances, and population
displacement have all contributed to continuing high rates of malnutrition...
deficiency disorders (IDD) constitute the single greatest cause of preventable
brain damage in the fetus and infant, and of retarded psychomotor development
in young children. It remains a major threat to the health and development of
populations the world over, but particularly among preschool children and
pregnant women in low-income countries...
A deficiency (VAD) is a major public health problem, and again the most
vulnerable are preschool children and pregnant women in low-income countries.
In children, VAD is the leading cause of preventable visual impairment and
blindness... In addition, VAD significantly increases the risk of severe
illness and death from common child infections, particularly diarrhoeal
diseases and measles... In VAD-prevalent countries, pregnant women often
experience deficiency symptoms, such as night blindness, that continue into the
early period of lactation...
deficiency is the world's most widespread nutritional disorder, affecting both
industrialised and developing countries. In the former, iron deficiency is the
main cause of anaemia. In developing countries, it is also associated with
other nutrient deficiencies (folic acid, vitamin A, B12), malaria, intestinal
parasitic infestations (especially hookworm, schistosomiasis and amoebiasis),
and chronic infections such as HIV...
deficiency causes growth retardation or failure, diarrhoea, immune
deficiencies, skin and eye lesions, delayed sexual maturation, night blindness
and behavioural changes...
dietary calcium intake is associated with a number of common, chronic medical
disorders worldwide, including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular
disease (hypertension and stroke), diabetes, dyslipidaemias, hypertensive
disorders of pregnancy, obesity, and cancer of the colon...
of beriberi, pellagra and scurvy still occur among the extremely poor and
underprivileged and, not infrequently, in large refugee populations...
30% and 40% of all cases of cancer are preventable by feasible and appropriate
diets, physical activity and maintenance of appropriate body weight."
same applies to heart disease and stroke, which accounted for 22% of deaths in
South Africa in 1996.
third of the annual 55.7 million deaths in 2001 globally, were caused by heart
disease and stroke, with the majority occurring in developing countries. This
is a true "pandemic", propagated by the 'globalisation' of risk
factors such as cigarette smoking, salty high saturated fat foods, obesity and
lack of exercise.
in many parts of our country, our soil suffers from zinc deficiency. This
affects the plants grown in such soils, which are part of the national food
supply. In addition, the staple maize meal consumed by the majority of our
people comes out of the milling process completely denuded of its nutritional
value. Nevertheless, because the religious faith demanded of us prescribes that
we attribute all ill health to the HI Virus, it is prohibited that any of the
foregoing should either be known or discussed. Any discussion focused on
eliminating the zinc deficiency mentioned above falls victim to the accusation
of 'fiddling while Rome burns.' Terrified of bad publicity, and keen to
demonstrate that we are not fiddlers, energetically and with smiles on our
faces, we fan and feed the fires that are consuming Rome!)
US-trained physician from Haiti, Paul Farmer, has written in his book "AIDS
and Accusation": (University of California Press, 1993):
repeatedly termed a 'complete mystery' by North American academics, the
epidemiology of AIDS and its silently transmitted precursor, HIV, is only
superficially random. Careful review of existing data and critical assessment
of the validity of certain studies allow us to conclude that the Haitian
epidemic is a tragic but unsurprising component of a much larger
pandemic. In the various theaters of this international scourge, whether
New York or Port-au-Prince, HIV has become what Sabatier (1988) has termed a
'misery-seeking missile'. It has spread along the path of least resistance,
rapidly becoming a disorder disproportionately striking the poor and
vulnerable... AIDS is far more likely to join a host of other sexually
transmitted diseases – including gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, chlamydia,
hepatitis B, lymphogranuloma venereum, and even cervical cancer – that have
already become entrenched among the poor." (Our
surprisingly, "the Harvard University Gazette" of March 19,
1998 carried an article entitled – "AIDS Epidemic Called Crisis Among
Blacks". The article, written by William J. Cromie said:
considered a white epidemic in the United States, AIDS has now changed colour.
1985 until 1996, whites accounted for the highest percentage of AIDS
infections, but the line was crossed in 1996. Cases among whites dropped from
60 percent of the total in 1985 to about 35 percent in 1997. Among blacks,
cases have almost doubled, from about 25 percent to 45 percent, in the same
Louis Gates Jr... summed up the situation this way: 'While blacks make up only
12 percent of the U.S. population they account for almost half of the cases of
numbers are especially bleak for black women and children... Black women
represent the highest percentage (56 percent) of all AIDS cases reported among
women, and an increasing proportion of new cases (60 percent). Fifty-five
percent of new infections with the AIDS virus among 20 to 24-year-olds occurs
among blacks.
those between the ages of 24 and 44 years, three times as many black as white
men died of AIDS in 1996. Five young black women died for every white woman in
the same year...
CDC also reported that black children currently account for 58 percent of the
AIDS cases among newborns, compared to 18 percent for whites, and 23 percent
for Hispanics.
women, black and white, have contracted AIDS either through illegal drug use
(about 45 percent) or heterosexual contact (about 38 percent). Many of the
latter cases are due to having sex with men who have gotten the disease from
contaminated needles.
statistics show that 22 percent of all AIDS infections among men were caused by
dirty needles. Black males account for 36 percent of such cases...
in every two blacks has been tested for infection with HIV – the AIDS virus –
compared with 38 percent of all Americans. Among blacks younger than 30 years
the testing rate is 65 percent. Most of the testing was done during the past 12
to 18 months."
Dr Farmer of Haiti had said, five years before the Harvard article appeared,
whether in New York or Port-au-Prince, HIV has spread along the path of least
resistance, rapidly becoming a disorder disproportionately striking the
poor and vulnerable.
of this tells us, the Africans, that poverty and underdevelopment are a major
cause of premature mortality and disability among us. We are confronted by 'the
larger pandemic' of poverty and underdevelopment. But the omnipotent apparatus
is intent that we should not know all this. If we do, we should discount it as
being of no major consequence.
yet there is a large volume of literature that addresses the critically
important issue of health, poverty and underdevelopment, some of which we will
now proceed to cite.
"African Institute for Scientific Research and Development"
has written:
rural Africa agriculture, health and the environment are like three sides of a
triangle. As the sides define and determine the triangle, so do agriculture,
health and the environment both define and determine rural development. For
socio-economic development to occur attention must be paid to all the three
national and international efforts to improve health for all, many communities
in East Africa are still plagued with communicable and other preventable
diseases such as tuberculosis, immunisable childhood diseases, nutritional
disorders, maternal deaths, eye infections, injuries, and problems related to
alcohol and narcotic drug abuse.
infections such as acute respiratory tract infections, diarrhoea, malaria and
sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS) are responsible for most of
the morbidity and mortality in rural communities. The incidence of many of
these diseases can be drastically reduced through community based health
education, immunization, improved mother and child health care and enhanced
The University of Glasgow Department of General Practice, International
primary health care, has published the following article:
"Health in Zambia and the UN AIDS Conference in Lusaka"
DOROTHY LOGIE, GP Adviser to Borders Health Board (Report on a meeting
held on 09/02/00) in which she writes:
a recent conference in Lusaka the staggering proportions of the AIDS epidemic
in Sub-Saharan Africa was thrown into relief. With 10% of the world's
population and two thirds of the world's cases of HIV, the burden of what is
arguably the worst epidemic to hit mankind since the 'black death' has fallen
primarily on the world's poorest nations.
Zambia as an example, Dr Logie set the HIV epidemic in its context. The fall in
life expectancy to 43 years has not only followed on from an ever increasing
incidence of HIV but has been in the context of a 30% cut in spending on
education and a 50% cut in spending on health. In a country which 20 years ago
had a well developed schooling and health care service, diseases of poverty
such as TB, waterborne diseases and malaria are on the increase, as are
maternal and infant mortality indicators. One quarter of children are
undernourished and one half of the country has no access to safe water. Three
quarters of girls and a half of all children do not now complete primary
education. Four fifths of the population live on less than 60p a day.
owes the rest of the world, primarily the World Bank and the IMF, $6.5 Billion,
more than twice the country's gross national product. The debt must be serviced
at $200 million per annum, regardless of the cost to health, education or
nutrition. This amounts to one half of all export earnings. Seven times as much
is spent on servicing its debt as it can afford to spend on health care. The
cuts in education and health care spending have been driven by structural
re-adjustments demanded by the World Bank. These have included introducing user
fees for health and education and placing a limit on state responsibilities.
(see Table 1)...
is urgent need for action to challenge the selective blindness of a global
economic system incapable of taking the radical steps necessary to provide
stability and hope in an entire continent facing a bleak future. The positive
first steps of the British government to cancel the debts of the world's 25
poorest countries, albeit with heavy pre-conditions, are to be supported and more
drastic steps urged. As health professionals we have a duty to research and
highlight the damaging impact on health of imposed Western economic
re-adjustments and to unequivocally condemn the intolerable burden of
unsustainable debt."
its part, the "African Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences",
Volume 1 No. 1 August 2001, Abstracts, published the article:
HIGH-BURDEN COUNTRIES: A contribution towards the 17th IUNS
congress of nutrition, Vienna, Austria 2001
Rutengwe R., Oldewage-Theron W, Oniang'o R & Vorster H.H.
one third of the world's population suffer from micronutrient deficiencies and
hundreds of millions suffer from chronic diseases of lifestyle. Prevalence
rates, particularly low birth weight, stunting and underweight, remain high
particularly in Eastern Africa and South Central Asia. More than a third of all
children in developing countries remain constrained in their physical growth
and cognitive development. The 1990 ambitious goal of halving childhood
underweight prevalence by the year 2000 has not been achieved by most
countries. Global progress in fighting malnutrition is slow and crippled by
rapid increase of both communicable and non-communicable diseases, the
so-called "double burden of disease". About 115 million people
suffered from obesity related diseases in the year 2000. Overweight and obesity
(globesity) prevalence is advancing rapidly in developing countries.
diseases (CVD), myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and stroke as one of the
most important causes of mortality and morbidity globally, will continue to be
first and second leading causes of death in the world. Most developing
countries, including South Africa, currently are in the process of transition and
experiencing the double burden of both communicable and
non-communicable diseases in which chronic diseases of lifestyle such
as CVD have emerged while the battle against infectious diseases has not been
won. In the last few years the HIV/AIDS epidemic has spread extremely
rapidly and is likely to double overall mortality rates, undermine child
survival and halve the life expectancy over the next five years." (Our
US Environmental Research Foundation published an article on February 5, 1998,
Makes You Sick"
studies in England and the U.S. have shown consistently that a person's place
in the social order strongly affects health and longevity. It now seems
well-established that poverty and social rank are the most important factors
determining health – more important even than smoking...
Kaplan and his colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley measured
inequality in the 50 (US) states as the percentage of total household income
received by the less well of 50% of households. (British Medical Journal, Vol
312, April 20, 1996: 999-1003.) It ranged from 17% in Louisiana and Mississippi
to 23% in Utah and New Hampshire. In other words, by this measure, Utah and New
Hampshire have the most EQUAL distribution of income, while Louisiana and
Mississippi have the most UNEQUAL distribution of income.
measure of income inequality was then compared to the age-adjusted death rate
for all causes of death, and a pattern emerged: the more unequal the
distribution of income, the greater the death rate. For example in Louisiana
and Mississippi the age-adjusted death rate is about 960 per 100,000 people,
while in New Hampshire it is about 780 per 100,000 and in Utah it is about 710
per 100,000 people. Adjusting these results for average income in each state
did not change the picture: in other words, it is the gap between rich and poor
within each state, and not the average income of each state, that best predicts
the death rate...
it time that the public health community – physicians, public health
specialists, and environmentalists – recognised that poverty,
inequality and racism cause sickness and death? Given what science now
tells us, medical policy – including medical training – should aim to combat
and eliminate poverty, inequality, and racism just as it now aims to combat and
eliminate infectious diseases and cancer. With U.S. health care costs now
exceeding $1 trillion each year, anti-poverty and anti-racism initiatives would
be economically efficient as well as humane." (Our emphasis).
British medical journal aimed at medical students, Student BMJ Vol
9, June 2001, published:
and Health" by Mike Rowson in which he says:
" Poverty
is the number one killer in the world today, outranking smoking as the
leading cause of death... (Our emphasis).
professionals need to promote interdepartmental cooperation and action by
governments to promote better education, water, and sanitation and other services
which improve the lives of the poor. The diseases of poverty cannot be tackled
without concerted economic and political action."
series, Current Infectious Disease Reports 3:1-3, 2001,
published an article:
Unacceptable Costs of the Diseases of Poverty" by Richard L. Guerrant,
M.D., University of Virginia School of Medicine, USA, in which he writes:
and lack of sanitation result in high-risk behaviours and
malabsorption-inducing enteric infections. Thus the complex interactions of such
societal issues as poverty and lack of basic sanitation in areas where only
suboptimal therapeutic regimens are affordable may drive the resistant microbes
that threaten us all...
"The most important medical/health advance of our century will be
the discovery and realisation of the true costs of the diseases of poverty... (Guerrant's emphasis.)
lessons of tropical and resistant infectious diseases are that only with a
recognition of their root causes linked to poverty will we apply readily
available technologies and develop new tools for their control. Only this
recognition will determine whether we shall or shall not chart a secure future
for ourselves and those who follow."
campaign US "World Hunger Year" said:
the last 50 years, almost 400 million people worldwide have died from hunger,
hunger-related diseases and poor sanitation. That's three times the number of
people killed in all wars fought in the entire 20th century.
(Above information provided by Bread for the World Institute)...
day in the developing world, 30, 500 children die from preventable diseases
such as diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections or malaria. Malnutrition is
associated with over half of those deaths. (Above information provided by
UNICEF, World Health Organisation)."
the story is the same with regard to specific instances. On July 24, 2000,
Johns Hopkins University issued the following statement:
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded the Johns Hopkins School of
Public Health $20 million to find the precise combination of vitamins and other
micronutrients that will be most effectively save lives and prevent illness
among impoverished mothers and children in the developing world...
results of these studies are likely to prove crucial to the well-being and
survival of millions of women and children a year,' said William R. Brodie,
president of the Johns Hopkins University...
the developing world, an estimated one in four children dies before reaching
age 5. Worldwide, some 11 million children and 7 million adults die each year
from diseases associated with poverty."
Hookworm Vaccine Initiative reports:
infection is one of the most prevalent and devastating infections of humans -
more than one billion individuals harbor hookworms in their intestine (1,2).
Some tropical clinical investigators rank hookworm as the second most important
parasitic infection of humans, next to malaria (3). Within developing economies
hookworm is a leading cause of anemia and malnutrition. In China reliable
estimates based on diagnostic testing of almost 1.5 million individuals
indicate that 194 million individuals harbor hookworms (4,5), making hookworm
one of China's most significant public health problems. Similar numbers of
cases of hookworm occur on the Indian subcontinent, in Sub-Saharan Africa (6),
and in Central and South America (7) (Fig. 1).
World Bank estimates that more than 20% of the disability-adjusted life years
(DALYs) lost from communicable diseases among children living in developing
economies are a direct result of intestinal nematode infections like hookworm
(9). In its 1993 World Development Report, the World Bank ranked intestinal
helminths first as the main cause of disease burden in children aged 5 to 14
of hookworm infection in pregnancy conducted jointly by the Wellcome Centre for
the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (Oxford University) and the WHO
indicate that some 44 million women are simultaneously pregnant and infected
with hookworm (10). An estimated 3-5 million of these pregnant women harbor
heavy hookworm infections that adversely influence intrauterine growth rates,
prematurity and birth weight.
hookworms are central to the downward spiral of malnutrition and rural poverty
in less developed countries. Recently, hookworm has also been identified in
some populations as an important medical problem among the elderly living in
poor rural areas (11).
this decade, new information has reawakened the international community to the
importance of hookworm-associated chronic blood loss and the resulting protein
malnutrition, negative nitrogen balance, iron deficiency and anemia. These
features have again been linked to devastating consequences for both children
and mothers (8-10,15-20). It is now well recognized that moderate and heavy
hookworm infections during childhood cause stunting of linear growth, reduced
physical fitness and physical activity, as well as intellectual and cognitive
retardation in children (15,17-21).
of these clinical features are directly attributable to the chronic effects of
iron deficiency (22-24); in some instances these deficits are irreversible
(24). Plasma protein losses also contribute to hookworm-associated
malnutrition. As a consequence, children are also rendered susceptible to
intercurrent viral and bacterial infections (15). Chronic hookworm infection
prevents children from achieving their full potential to become productive
individuals in later life. During pregnancy more than 10 percent of
hookworm-infected women suffer worm burdens heavy enough to adversely affect
intrauterine growth, prematurity, and birthweight (10).
these consequences devastate maternal and child health. When accurately
accounted for, such as in the World Bank study mentioned above, these features
place hookworm infection at the top of the list in terms of their impact on
childhood and maternal health."
Global estimates of hookworm prevalence by region (1). |
Region |
Population |
Hookworm |
%Prevalence |
Sub-Saharan Africa |
512 million |
140 million |
27% |
Latin America |
441 million |
135 million |
31% |
Middle East |
503 million |
96 million |
19% |
India |
850 million |
319 million |
38% |
China |
1160 million |
358 million |
31% |
Other Asia/Islands |
654 million |
250 million |
38% |
Total |
4120 million |
1297 million |
31% |
should keep this in mind that hookworm is one of the conditions that produces a
'false-positive' when people are tested for the HIV status.
2000, the health authorities in Seattle, Washington, USA, carried out an
interesting study entitled:
"The Health Status of American Indians (AI) and Alaska Natives (AN)
living in King County" (2000).
report included: Mortality rates for American Indians and Alaska Natives
(AI/AN) living in King County compared with all King County resident by age
group and cause of death, three year averages, 1996-1998, as follows:
Age |
Rate/100,000 |
difference |
<1 year |
1,272.5 |
547.9 |
+132% |
1-14 |
54.8 |
16.8 |
+226% |
15-24 |
90.9 |
68.5 |
- |
25-44 |
337.1 |
132.8 |
+154% |
Unintentional |
91.1 |
30.6 |
+198% |
45-64 |
622.0 |
489.7 |
+27% |
65-84 |
3847.5 |
3495.6 |
- |
85 and
older |
10493.8 |
14785.7 |
- |
also dealt with other matters as indicated below.
food-borne |
- A |
40.5 |
25.2 |
+61% |
sex-borne |
- B |
3.7 |
3.1 |
- |
Chlamydia |
366.9 |
200.1 |
+83% |
Gonorrhoea |
86.1 |
57.0 |
+51% |
Syphilis |
6.5 |
3.9 |
- |
45.5 |
18.4 |
+147% |
All causes |
572.9 |
407.2 |
+41% |
Mortality by |
888.6 |
540.6 |
+64% |
5-20% FPL |
528.6 |
424.9 |
+24% |
<5% FPL |
421.6 |
754.5 |
- |
FPL = Federal poverty level. >20% FPL represents those areas in King County
where more than 20% of the population lived below the federal poverty level,
Total |
12.5 |
5.2 |
+140% |
cause |
8.0 |
0.8 |
+900% |
SIDS = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.)
WTO is also involved in this debate and struggle, which is about health,
poverty and underdevelopment. During 2000, WTO DDG Rodriguez addressed the
European Commission and said, among other things:
property rights are a necessary part of finding that balance (between providing
adequate incentives for research and development and ensuring affordable access
to new drugs.) They have an essential role to play in providing incentives for
research and development. No company will invest the resources required for
research and development without a promise of some degree of exclusivity in
exploiting the results of its efforts. At the same time, it is also clear
that the intellectual property system itself will not be sufficient to provide
incentives for research and development into the diseases which mainly afflict
the poor in developing countries, with limited purchasing power. We
thus very much welcome the growing worldwide recognition of this and the initiatives
being taken to fill this gap, involving as they do intergovernmental agencies,
national governments and private foundations as well as the industry itself.
The Commission's Communication is an important contribution in this
connection... (Our emphasis).
this sense, let me say that we, at the WTO, are fully convinced that there is a
very strong relationship between trade, poverty and health. We fully
acknowledge that efforts to promote basic public health as well as public
education have a vital role to play in facilitating development. But, by the
same token, development and the increased resources that it provides are
vital for promoting public health. And an open trading system is a key
component of development efforts." (Our emphasis).
US economist, Dean Baker, has addressed some of the issues of concern to the
WTO, as they affect the United States. He has written:
pay more than three and a half dollars to the drug industry for every dollar of
research induced by patent protection. Another two and a half dollars goes to
industry profits and marketing – and to the legal costs, campaign
contributions, and political lobbying needed to protect and extend the
industry's patent monopolies."
his article: "Drug Prices in Crisis: The Case Against
Protectionism", ("Dollars and Sense Magazine",
May/June 2001), Dean Baker writes:
costs of patent protection to consumers are enormous. The industry, which
includes such giants as GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, and Bristol-Myers Squibb,
estimates that it sold $106 billion worth of drugs in 2000. If eliminating
patent protection had reduced the price of these drugs by 75%, then consumers
would have saved $79 billion. This figure, to put it in perspective, is 30%
more than what the (US) federal government spends on education each year. It's
more than ten times the amount that the federal government spends on Head
Start. And it roughly equals the nation's annual bill for foreign oil.
do we get for this money? Last year, the pharmaceutical industry, according to
its own figures, spent $22.5 billion on domestic drug research (and another $4
billion on research elsewhere). For tax purposes, the industry claimed research
expenditures of just $16 billion. Since these expenditures qualify for a 20%
tax credit, the federal government directly covered $3.2 billion of the
industry's research spending (20% of the $16 billion reported on tax returns.)
Even if we accept the $22.5 billion figure as accurate, this still means that
the industry, after deducting the government contribution, spent just over $19
billion of its own money on drug research.
other words, consumers (and the government, through Medicaid and other
programs) spent an extra $79 billion on drugs because of patent protection, in
order to get the industry to spend $19 billion of its own money on research.
This comes out more than four dollars in additional spending on drugs for every
dollar that the industry spent on research. The rest of the money went mainly
spending an extra four dollars on drugs in order to persuade the industry to
spend one dollar on research doesn't sound like a good deal, don't worry. It
gets worse...
summer, the New York Times cited data showing that drugs, when
tested by researchers who were supported by the drug's manufacturer, were found
to be significantly more effective than existing drugs 89% of the time. By
contrast, drugs tested by neutral researchers were found to be significantly
more effective only 61% of the time...
creating incentives to misrepresent, falsify, or conceal research findings,
patent monopolies are harmful to our pocketbooks as well as our health... For
example, a recent study estimated that consumers were spending $6 billion a
year on patented medication for patients with heart disease, which was no more
effective than generic alternatives in preventing heart problems. As a result
of industry propaganda, consumers might also spend money on drugs that could be
less effective than cheaper alternatives – or on drugs that could even be
hazardous to their health...
the top of the list (of measures to counter the negative effects of
protectionism with regard to drugs), the U.S. government should not be working with
the pharmaceutical industry to impose its patents on developing countries. This
is especially important in the case of AIDS drugs, since patent protection in
sub-Saharan Africa may effectively be sentencing tens of millions of people to
another article "Dying for Patients" (Center for Economic and
Policy Research, October 29, 2001), Dean Baker writes:
pharmaceutical industry) argue that the patent monopolies allow them to earn
enough money to fund the research that produces these drugs in the first place.
claim is at best half true. Much of the most important research was funded with
our tax dollars by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In many cases, the
industry just came along in the final phases of testing in order to claim the
patent rights. In fact, according to the industry's own numbers, more research
is actually supported by the government and private foundations and charities,
than by the pharmaceutical companies."
Story of Kent Law School has written (2001):
a recent New York Times article: replying to critics of the
drug industry who say it would rather find a cure for a bald American than a
dying African, Francois Gros, a spokesman for Aventis, the French-German
pharmaceutical company that makes three of the four sleeping sickness drugs,
ruefully acknowledged: 'That's not completely wrong. We know what's happening
in the third world, but we don't act.' He went on to explain: 'We can't deny
that we try to focus on top markets – cardiovascular, metabolism,
anti-infection, etc. But we're an industry in a competitive environment – we
have a commitment to deliver performance for shareholders...
again from the New York Times: drug companies which last year spent
$40 billion on research, have in two decades, come up with only four medicines
specifically for tropical diseases."
the foregoing, relating to health, poverty and underdevelopment should, in
reality, be a matter of common sense. Spoken and published in many other parts
of the world, it does not cause any consternation. But clearly, when these
obvious truths are spoken here in our own country, they assume a more menacing
omnipotent apparatus denounces them as constituting a "denial". When
we seek to act within the parameters of the very health paradigm contained in
the paragraphs we have quoted, this is condemned as "fiddling while Rome
struggle for drugs and medicines that would be affordable to the millions of
our poor people, was repudiated as a betrayal of the sacred principle of
property rights, and a disastrous slap in the face of foreign investors.
failure to ascribe the entire burden of disease that afflicts our people
exclusively to the HI Virus earned our leaders the characterisation that they
are genocidaires.
and openly, the omnipotent apparatus disapproves of our effort seriously to
deal with the serious challenge in our country of health, poverty and
underdevelopment. It is determined that it will stop at nothing until its
objectives are achieved. What it seeks is that we should do its bidding, in its
this respect, all of us are obliged to chant that HIV=AIDS=Death! We are
obliged to abide by the faith, and no other, that our immune systems are being
destroyed solely and exclusively by the HI Virus. We must repeat the catechism
that sickness and death among us are primarily caused by a heterosexually
transmitted HI Virus. Then our government must ensure that it makes
anti-retroviral drugs available throughout our public health system.
first of all, we have to repeat in unison – HIV causes AIDS causes Death!
to this argument, necessarily, therefore, the two principal and decisive
responses open to us, to respond to Africa's health challenges, are the use of
condoms and the consumption of anti-retroviral drugs. Everything else that
causes ill health and death among us, the omnipotent apparatus argues, is of
peripheral importance.
Chapter IV
the rejection of the argument by the omnipotent apparatus - that there is no special
African HI Virus, but, rather, the scourge of poverty and underdevelopment -
means that there are more questions that require answers.
of these concerns the constitution, therefore, of our own unique HI Virus. How
is it composed? How does it behave? What are its various mutant forms?
say that for them to be able to answer these questions, first of all, they need
to isolate the Virus. They say that the tried and tested method of doing this
is to use an electron microscope capable of magnifying this minute retrovirus
to 300, 000 times its size. They would then be able to photograph and analyse
it and thus answer the questions that have been posed.
is at least one such an electron microscope in our country. The questions that
arise are whether the Virus has been isolated and analysed, using this
microscope and whether the resultant photographs exist!
the numbers of people who are said to have died of HIV/AIDS, the question must
be asked – has the HI Virus been isolated during medical examinations and
post-mortems to establish that the prime cause of illness and death is HIV
reality is that this seemingly critical first step that would enable us to know
the nature of the creature we are dealing with has not been taken.
as it may seem, given what our friends tell us about the Virus everyday,
nobody has seen it, including our friends. Nobody knows what it looks like.
Nobody knows how it behaves. Everybody acts on the basis of a series of
hypotheses about the Virus, which are presumed to be facts, supposedly
authenticated by 'clinical evidence'.
who have imbibed the faith that millions among us are infected by a deadly HI
Virus, will disbelieve the assertion that the work of isolating our unique HI
Virus has not been done. The omnipotent apparatus will scream loudly that the
telling of this truth constitutes the very heart of the criminal non-conformity
that must be denounced and repressed by all means and at all costs.
than perpetuate our self-repression, it is time that we demanded that the
necessary scientific work be done to isolate and analyse the Virus that is said
to be so deadly.
defeat the HIV/AIDS pandemic requires that science does what it does normally,
as it tries to understand viruses. It is difficult to understand why the HI
Virus stands in a caste of its own, as an untouchable.
any case, the scientists have the advantage that, more than 15 years ago, the
scientists Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier claimed that they had identified and
isolated this Virus. The scientific world accepted this claim and continues to
do so.
should therefore be no problem in repeating the established scientific work
carried out by Gallo and Montagnier, who are accepted as the
"co-discoverers" of the HI Virus.
the Africans do not know, of course, is that at the time HIV was 'discovered'
in 1984, Montagnier's French Pasteur Institute accused Gallo of having stolen
the HIV discovery from them. Ultimately, this controversy was resolved when the
two scientists, together with US President Reagan and French Premier Chirac
signed an agreement in 1987, which proclaimed the two scientists as
co-discoverers of HIV.
nobody asked the question – what do the political signatories know about
even after this document was signed, in 1991 the US government's National
Institutes of Health's (NIH) Office of Scientific Integrity found that, with
regard to the discovery of HIV, Gallo, as laboratory chief, had "created
and fostered conditions that give rise to falsified/fabricated data and
falsified reports."
1992, the NIH Office of Research Integrity determined that Gallo was guilty of
scientific misconduct. Nevertheless, it said that this did not "negate the
central findings" of Gallo, with regard to HIV.
1984, before any information was published in the scientific journals, and
therefore examined by the scientific community, Gallo and US President Reagan's
Health and Human Services Secretary, Margaret Heckler, announced at a press
conference that Gallo had isolated the "AIDS virus" and developed the
test to prove the existence of the virus in human blood.
the later findings about the scientific conduct of the
"co-discoverer" could not, and would not, be allowed to interfere
with what had been announced to the press and the world!
must accept that all this belongs to an ancient and unchangeable past. What was
stated as fact then, has become set in stone as fact.
Joseph A. Sonnabend published an article in AIDS Forum 1989
entitled "Fact and Speculation about the Cause of AIDS." He
precise point at which a conjecture comes to be accepted as an established fact
is far from clear, although in a commonsense fashion, the distinctions between
them is usually quite evident. That HIV-1 is the cause of AIDS is a contention
that was ceremoniously propelled out of the realm of speculation into that of
proven fact by Margaret Heckler in 1984 in her public pronouncement the U.S.
government scientists had discovered the 'probable cause of AIDS' – HTLV-III,
later to be renamed 'Human Immunodeficiency Virus', of 'HIV', in an apparent
confirmation of its etiologic role. Thus, overnight, a new orthodoxy came into
being, unruffled by the subsequent discovery that there was a second cause of
AIDS in another retrovirus... Despite the widespread acceptance of the
etiologic roles of the HIVs in AIDS, these must remain conjectural as long as
two questions (at least) remain open. One concerns pathogenesis and the other
the association of the HIVs with AIDS. Both are important to the original
presentation of HIV as the cause of AIDS, as the relate to the two props on
which this presentation rested...
is now known that insufficient numbers of helper lymphocytes are actively
infected to account for their loss by a direct cell-killing effect of HIV, and
there is an alternative explanation for the association of HIV seropositivity
with AIDS that does not require that it play an etiologic role, and that has
yet to be excluded. To these two problems concerning the etiologic roles of the
HIVs in AIDS must be added the apparent failure, thus far, of antiretroviral
premature acceptance as fact of a contention that more properly belongs in the
realm of speculation has had a number of far reaching consequence – let alone
the painful fact that it has provided virtually no help to people with AIDS,
despite a massive investment and six years of intensive work on the biology of
the HIVs and the chemotherapy of infection with these viruses...
acceptance as fact rather than hypotheses that the HIVs cause AIDS is responsible
in great part for a number of grave consequences...
The almost total commitment of resources to the study of the HIVs has left
alternative etiologic hypotheses unexplored. Should the HIVs be proven not to
be the cause of AIDS, we will have to go back to the beginning in our studies
on the cause of this disease, and will have lost six years and countless lives.
Aspects of pathogenesis apparently unrelated to HIV have not been explored.
Some examples will be given that could have been pursued as early as 1981...
has been suggested that questioning the etiologic role of HIV in AIDS may
promote the spread of disease as it 'frees one of the worry about testing
positive as it 'frees one of the worry about testing positive or the guilt of
spreading the disease'. This is an irrational and poorly thought out objection.
The reality of the mode of transmission of AIDS, whether sexually or by blood
or blood products, is of course quite obvious, whether it is HIV or some other
factor or factors that are transmitted.
fact, a ground-breaking booklet presenting the first safer sex guidelines
appeared in 1883 and its was based on a multifactoral mode – not a single agent
model. The measures suggested were identical to those usually proposed to limit
the spread of HIV."
the objections by the South African born and trained Dr Sonnabend, one of the
first doctors to treat AIDS in New York and the US, speculation had been
accepted as fact, that HIV causes AIDS.
Chapter V
however, despite and perhaps because of this peculiar manner of 'advancing'
science, it is true that we have not identified our own unique virus, the
question then arises – what methods were used to identify the millions in our
country who are said to be HIV-positive?
response to this question is that blood or saliva specimens were and are
subjected to the ELISA test, said to be a test to establish whether specific
anti-HIV antibodies exist in the particular specimens.
some scientists have raised questions about whether, in fact, this ELISA or any
other test, actually tests for the presence of HIV. But before we deal with
this, let us mention what the manufacturers of the ELISA testing kits
themselves say.
manufacturers, Abbot Laboratories, say:
(ELISA) testing alone cannot be used to diagnose AIDS, even if the recommended
investigation of the reactive specimens suggests a high probability that the
antibody to HIV-1 is present."
go on to say:
for all clinical and public health applications of the EIA both the degree of
risk for HIV-infection of the person studied and the degree of reactivity of
the serum may be of value in interpreting the test, these correlations are
imperfect. Therefore, in most settings it is appropriate to investigate
repeatedly reactive specimens by additional more specific or supplemental
also say:
present there is no recognised standard for establishing the presence
or absence of HIV-1 antibody in human blood. Therefore sensitivity was
computed based on the clinical diagnosis of AIDS and specificity based on
random donors." (Our emphasis.)
taken from: ABBOTT LABORATORIES. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1. FUVAB
FffVI EIA. Abbott Laboratories, 66-8805/R5, January 1997:5.)
manufacturer of HIV-testing equipment, Roche, says:
amplicor HIV-1 Monitor test is not intended to be used as a screening test for
HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection."
Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor test. Roche Diagnostic Systems, 13-06-83088-001, 06/96.)
return to the scientists, Roberto A. Giraldo, MD, a physician and specialist in
internal medicine, infectious and tropical diseases, says: (Continuum:
Midwinter 1998/9.)
scientific literature has documented more than 70 different reasons for getting
a positive reaction other than past or present infection with HIV. All these
conditions have in common a history of polyantigenic stimulations."
goes on to say:
there is no scientific evidence that the ELISA test is specific for HIV
antibodies, a reactive ELISA test at any concentration of serum would mean the
presence of nonspecific or polyspecific antibodies. These antibodies could be
present in all blood samples."
Dr Giraldo explains in this article that he conducted his own tests at the New
York Yorktown Medical Laboratory. He says:
first took samples of blood that, at 1:400 dilution (the recommended dilution
for the ELISA test), tested negative for antibodies to HIV. I then ran the
exact same serum samples through the test again, but this time without diluting
them. Tested straight, they all came out positive. Since that time I have run
about 100 specimens and have always gotten the same result."
another article written by Dr Giraldo et al, published in Continuum,
Summer 1999, the authors say:
of the conditions that cause false positives on the so-called "AIDS
test" are: past or present infection with a variety of bacteria,
parasites, viruses, and fungi, including tuberculosis, malaria, leishmaniasis,
influenza, the common cold, leprosy and a history of sexually transmitted
diseases; the presence of polyspecific antobodies, hypergammaglobulinemias, the
presence of auto-bodies against a variety of cells and tissues, vaccinations,
and the administration of gammaglobulins or immunoglobulins; the presence of
auto-immune diseases like erythematous systemic lupus, sclerodermia,
dermatomyositis or rheumatoid arthritis; the existence of pregnancy and
multiparity; a history of rectal insemination; addiction to recreational drugs;
several kidney diseases, renal failure and hemodialysis; a history of organ
transplantation; presence of a variety of tumours and cancer chemotherapy; many
liver diseases including alcoholic liver disease; hemophilia, blood
transfusions and the administration of coagulation factor; and even the simple
condition of aging, to mention a few of them."
various other scientists, such as Seligman M., et al, writing in the New
England Journal of Medicine 1984: 311, 1286-1292; and WORLD
HEALTH, Magazine of the WHO, 1994; 47(6): 1-31; Giraldo et al write:
is known as the world's first cause of immunodeficiency. Poverty is the main
risk factor for malnutrition. Economical disparities have increased all over
the world, but mainly in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, as
well as in the larger impoverished strips of the developed cities. Never before
has poverty been so prevalent and intense, nor has affluence been so big and
concentrated in the hands of so few."
mystery has always been the reported high sero prevalence of HIV in South
Africa of over 15% (as extrapolated from Antenatal Clinic Survey data),
compared with rates of 2% in West Africa and the Caribbean. In this regard, the
experience of a physician working in an Eastern Cape prison, Dr Stuart A.
Dwyer, is of note. His institution of 550 inmates has high rates of men having
sex with men, with very little use of condoms. He routinely checks the HIV
status of those who present to him with various illnesses, including STD. In
the past 5 years, he has noted a sero prevalence of 2.8% for the jail as a
whole, but recorded only a few deaths from AIDS-related disease. His conclusion
is that the meaning of a positive HIV ELISA test in the African setting needs
to be re-examined, and that in his "high risk" group, there is little
evidence of an "AIDS pandemic".
Stuart A. Dwyer, British Medical Journal, 22 September, 2001.)
number of questions arise from all this.
do the HIV tests test?
our own health workers says they have tested people for HIV, what do they mean?
they say a person is HIV-positive, have they discounted all the conditions,
other than HIV, which could make a person falsely test HIV-positive?
so, how have they done this?
do they arrive at the figure of millions of HIV-positive people, which they
regularly proclaim?
do they discount poverty and the various conditions of ill-health it produces,
as one of the most obvious causes of immune deficiency?
it is obvious that for them properly to treat any person who tests
HIV-positive, they need to know the exact medical or health condition against
which the immune system produces antibodies! This is the case even with
veterinary scientists who have to treat cattle!
We say this because exactly the same generic system (the ELISA test)
that is used to "test for HIV" in human beings, is also used to test
for Foot and Mouth Disease in cattle! When it was used in this country
to test our bovine herds for this disease, presumably having been designed to
test the specific virus that causes the disease, it recorded many of our cattle
as being "Foot and Mouth Disease-positive".
further clinical work carried out by both South African and British scientists
demonstrated conclusively that all these were false-positives. None of the
cattle tested and found to be "positive", in fact suffered from Foot
and Mouth Disease!
from the confirmation of the fact, well-known to scientists, that this
equipment produces "false-positives", the critical point is that some
scientists have made the point that these testing kits are not designed
specifically to detect the presence of a particular virus in the human body,
HIV. Accordingly, they assert that they do no such thing, in much the same way
as, in this case, they detected a non-existent Foot and Mouth virus.
was for these reasons that the Presidential Scientific AIDS Panel decided to
seek an answer to the question – what do the HIV tests test?
questions arise concerning the incidence of disease and death in our country.
The first questions emanate from the phenomenon of "opportunistic
diseases". These are said to attack the body when it has been weakened by
US government's Centres for Disease Control (CDC) lists at least 29 of these
"opportunistic diseases". These are:
carinii pneumonia, Kaposi's sarcoma, toxoplasmosis, strongyloidosis, aspergillosis,
cryptococcosis, candidiasis, cryptosporidiosis, cytomegalovirus, herpes
simplex, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, lymphoma of the brain,
mycobacterium avium complex, histoplasmosis, isosporiasis, Burkitt's lymphoma,
immunoblastic lymphoma, candidiasis of the bronchi, trachea and lungs,
encephalopathy, mycobacterium tuberculosis, wasting syndrome,
coccidioidomycosis, cytomegalovirus retinitis, salmonella septicemia, recurrent
bacterial pneumonia, invasive cervical cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis.
course, all these diseases existed before AIDS was discovered. A US activist,
Christine Maggiore, has observed that:
is a new name for 29 old illnesses and conditions, including yeast infection,
diarrhoea, pneumonia, cancer and tuberculosis."
issue of the diagnosis of AIDS in Africa was "simplified", and made
more difficult, by the decision of the WHO that such diagnoses should be based
only on four clinical symptoms. This goes by the name of the "Bangui
conditions are a fever, weight loss of 10 per cent, a persistent cough and
as Maggiore comments:
four symptoms used to identify AIDS are identical to those associated with
common African conditions such as malaria, tuberculosis, parasitic infections, and
the effects of malnutrition and unsanitary water, all of which have troubled
the continent for decades."
of the questions that arises from all this is what has changed many well-known
diseases from being well-known curable diseases into one incurable,
and little known disease, called AIDS?
French physician and historian of medicine, Mirko Grmek, tried to explain the
puzzle in the following way:
"(AIDS) is not a disease in the old sense of the word, in as much as the
virus is immunopathogenic, that it affects the immune system and produces
symptoms only through the expedient of opportunistic infection or malignancy...
In the past, a disease was defined either by clinical symptoms or by
pathological lesions, which are morphological changes in organs, tissues, or
cells. Nothing of the sort, neither clinical symptoms nor lesions, observable
by the old means, characterises AIDS. It is not a disease in the sense given to
the term before the twentieth century. Persons affected by HIV suffer
and die with the signs and lesions that are typical of other diseases. As
recently as twenty years ago, these opportunistic disorders were the only
reality that physicians could observe and conceptualise."
of AIDS" by M. Grmek: Princeton University Press, 1990. Our
Professor of Physiology, Robert S. Root-Bernstein, has written:
are no criteria listed in any definition of AIDS that allow a person to fight
off AIDS or to be cured of it. Once a person is diagnosed, he or she will have AIDS
forever after, regardless of any improvement in state of health and regardless
of whether death results from a non-AIDS associated death (for example, heart
disease or diabetes.) This is another way in which the definition of AIDS is a
medical novelty. A person has pneumonia as long as he or she is symptomatic and
the germ causing the disease is present. Destroy the germ and eradicate the
clinical symptoms, and the person us cured, regardless of the fact that both
antibody to the germ and scarring of the lungs may persist for their
lifetime... No such criteria exist for AIDS, despite the fact that some AIDS
patients are still alive a dozen years after diagnosis with Kaposi's sarcoma,
Pneumocystis pneumonia, and other opportunistic diseases."
makes the important observation that:
makes AIDS the first disease that no one can survive by definition.
(Our emphasis). Not only is this description of AIDS logically bankrupt, it
sends the demoralising and inaccurate message to people with HIV or AIDS that
they have a disease that is not worth fighting. A more legitimate, and more
hopeful, definition must be devised."
of all this, it has become imperative for us to know as precisely as possible
what our people are dying from, specifically. To say that they are dying of
AIDS will not help us in our struggle to improve the health of our people.
Bernstein says, to say this would be to say our people have a disease that is
not worth fighting. This would certainly condemn them to premature death. It
is this that would constitute genocide.
the mere report that the government is compiling a report on the causes of
death, as reflected in the Notices of Death filed with our Department of Home
Affairs, aroused the ire of the omnipotent apparatus, which characterised the
search for accurate information about ourselves as "AIDS denial".
to be able to intervene with regard to the health of our population, we must
ask a number of questions, regardless of the anger of the omnipotent apparatus.
is the incidence of disease among our people?
are we doing to prevent and treat these diseases, including those described as
are the causes of death among our people?
deaths are said to be HIV-related, on what is this based, scientifically – i.e.
did the cadaver have the HI Virus?
brings us to the question of treatment.
Chapter VI
this article, we will mainly discuss the issue of so-called
mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT/MTC), given the extraordinary volume of
publicity around this matter. In this regard, we will concentrate on the drug
"Nevirapine", which is said to be the most effective for this
condition, the cheapest and the easiest to administer.
HIV/AIDS treatment generally, we will only cite some comments made by people
who should know what needs to be known about this matter, namely, the
its edition of May 10, 2001, The New York Times reported that:
A leading maker of drugs that fight AIDS, the Agouron Pharmaceuticals division
of Pfizer, and its agency, CCA Advertising in New York, are changing a consumer
campaign they recently introduced for the drug Viracept. They are adding
cautionary words that such drugs are not a cure for AIDS nor do they
prevent the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. (Our emphasis.)
The change is coming two weeks after the (US government) Food and Drug
Administration sent letters to eight makers of anti-AIDS drugs, including
Agouron, warning that these products could no longer be advertised without
noting their limitations."
press statement released by the US government health agencies on February 5,
2001, quotes Dr Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, as saying:
Although antiretroviral therapy has provided extraordinary benefits to many
patients, we know we cannot eradicate HIV infection with currently available
medications... We are very concerned about a number of toxicities associated
with long term use of antiretroviral drugs," says Dr Fauci. "
Particularly alarming is the alteration of fat metabolism that can emerge
during treatment. We are seeing an increasing number of patients with
dangerously high levels of cholestorol and triglycerides... The bad news is
that we must now find ways to deal with unanticipated toxicities, including the
potential for premature coronary disease."
February 7, 2001, Reuters reported:
of the first studies to look at the success of HIV treatment in inner-city
patients from the time of diagnosis reveals a dire situation, a doctor working
in Atlanta, Georgia, said here on Tuesday at the 8th Conference
on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. His study found that only 1 in 10
patients newly diagnosed with HIV achieved a reduction in virus in blood to
"undetectable" levels – a major goal of treatment...
year after being diagnosed, 24 patients (18%) had died, del Rio reported. Of the
103 eligible to attend an outpatient clinic, the majority discontinued
treatment after a few months...
has really looked at the number of HIV-infected patients who achieve successful
viral suppression with antiretroviral therapy starting from the time of
diagnosis, del Rio told Reuters Health. Other studies have looked
at the success of antiretroviral therapy in those patients who remain in care.
is striking to me, is that we think that those are the problems of Africa – but
they're the real problems of our country. I tell people I work in a developing
country called inner-city Atlanta,' del Rio said.'"
"The AIDS Reader" 11(5): 236-237, 2001, its editor, Jeffrey
Laurence, MD, writes:
must recognise that few clinicians anticipate that current ART (anti-retroviral
therapy) regimens will extend the lives of HIV-infected patients more than a
few years. Viral resistance and drug side effects undermine their utility.
Indeed, in 1 of the 2 US economic studies, quality-adjusted life expectancy
rose only 1.84 years for those initiating ART at higher CD4 cell counts; for
those with low CD4 cell counts, it was not much better. Although this degree of
life gained proved similar in magnitude and cost to that of thrombolytic
therapy in myocardial infarction, such comparisons are irrelevant where more
than 90% of HIV infections occur – in the developing world."
another report dated May 25, 2001, Reuters said:
with highly active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART, often damages the liver, leading
many HIV-infected patients to halt treatment, according to study results
presented in Atlanta this week...
of drug class or combination, there appears to be 'an across-the-board high
rate' of severe liver toxicity...
that contained drugs called nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors,
especially nevirapine and efavirenz, were particularly hard on the liver... In
November, the US Food and Drug Administration issued an alert for nevirapine based
on reports of liver toxicity." (Our emphasis.)
the 39th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of
America on October 25, 2001, Dr William G. Powderly, said:
safety of PEP (postexposure prophylaxis) was called into question earlier this
year with reports of nevirapine-associated liver toxicity in otherwise healthy
recipients, resulting in a recommendation that nevirapine not be used for
the Durban XIII International AIDS Conference in 2000, the Chicago-based NGO,
the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (IAPAC), issued the
following statement, datelined "Durban, South Africa, July 11:
researchers at the XIII International AIDS Conference presented preliminary
data suggesting didanosine (Videx, also known as ddI) and stavudine (Zerit,
also known as d4T) are safe, effective and tolerable alternatives to
existing drug therapies in preventing mother to child transmission (MTCT) of
HIV. Videx and Zerit are part of the reverse transcriptase inhibitor
class of anti-HIV drugs and are proven to safely reduce HIV replication
among infected adults and children. (Our emphases).
AI455-094 pilot study conducted at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in
Soweto, South Africa randomised 373 HIV-1 infected pregnant mothers to an
orally administered regimen of ddI, ddI+d4T, or zidovudine (AZT)...
"These early data show the potential of Videx and Zerit to be safe,
tolerable and effective in preventing the transmission of HIV from infected
mothers to their unborn children when compared to existing medical
interventions," said Dr Glenda Gray, co-director of Perinatal HIV Research
Unit at Chris Baragwanath Hospital in South Africa."... (Our emphasis).
and Videx are manufactured by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, a global health and
personal care company whose mission is to extend and enhance human
life."(Our emphasis).
January 8, 2002, the US Wall Street Journal reported as
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducts a review of the two products,
Bristol-Myers Squibb has issued a warning to AIDS doctors around the world
cautioning that two of its AIDS drugs, Zerit and Videx, should be used
sparingly in pregnant women after the deaths of three expectant mothers
who were taking the medications. An FDA official suggested it is possible
that although toxicity problems affect other drugs in the
nucleoside analogue class – which includes the GlaxoSmithKline drugs AZT and 3TC
– the reaction to a particular enzyme is stronger for the two
Bristol-Myers products than for other drugs in the class. The deaths
could have far-reaching consequences than just the potential withdrawal
of the drugs and the passing of the women: two of the deaths occurred
in clinical trials abroad, with one of those deaths taking place in South
Africa, where the issue of AIDS drugs is particularly volatile. The
women died of lactic acidosis, a rare but recognised complication associated
with the nucleoside analogue class, and seven other cases of nonfatal lactic
acidosis have been reported among pregnant women taking either a combination of
Zerit and Videx or of Zerit with 3TC." (Our emphases.)
Glenda Gray features regularly in our media as a much-quoted and generally
believed expert who denounces our government for its cautious approach to the
widespread use of anti-retroviral drugs. In the IAPAC statement, she is quoted
as endorsing Videx and Verit as being better than AZT and nevirapine in the context
of MTCT.
shared this view with the NGO, IAPAC, which described the company producing
Videx and Zerit as "a global health and personal care company whose
mission is to extend and enhance human life." Despite the undisguised
competition with AZT in the IAPAC report, nothing is said about the legitimate
commercial mission of Bristol-Myers Squibb to maximise its profit – to attend
to the bottom line!
company has now admitted that its products are not the "safe, effective
and tolerable alternatives to existing drug therapies in preventing mother to
child transmission (MTCT) of HIV" that Glenda Gray and IAPAC claimed they
were. Pregnant women have died because they were subjected to these "safe,
effective and tolerable alternatives"! Reportedly, one of them is a black
woman, on whom Glenda Gray experimented with toxic drugs at Chris Hani
Baragwanath Hospital.
and ironically, this year the US Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) conferred the Nelson
Mandela Award for Health and Human Rights on Dr Glenda Gray (and
Professor James McIntyre) for the supposedly 'outstanding' work she has done on
MTCT. Nothing was said of the women who died!
Gray and McIntyre the KFF says:
Glenda Gray and Professor James McIntyre are co-founders and co-directors of
the Perinatal HIV Research Unit at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, the
largest in the world... The Perinatal HIV Research Unit is one of the world's
leading centers of excellence for research and implementation activities in the
field of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and has been at the forefront of
work in this field... Responding to the changing needs around HIV/AIDS, the
Unit has expanded to undertake work in antiretroviral treatment for adults and
children, psychosocial support issues, HIV and tuberculosis and HIV vaccine
trials... The Mandela Award... is given annually in recognition of
extraordinary dedication and achievement in improving the health of the
disadvantaged populations in South Africa and the United States."
Squibb must have been mightily pleased that their own Glenda Gray, enthusiastic
promoter of Videx and Zerit, was honoured with so prestigious an award for
improving the health of the disadvantaged populations in South Africa and the
United States!
number of questions that demand urgent answers arise in the context of the
was the South African and global public told lies?
Glenda Gray must be held accountable, how has this been expressed?
Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital must be held accountable, how has this been
the Medicines Control Council (MCC), which presumably approved the Glenda Gray
clinical trials, must be held accountable, how has this been expressed?
has the Gauteng Provincial Government accounted for its own conduct in this
have the national Ministry and Department of Health for their own conduct in
this affair?
Videx and Zerit been licensed by the MCC for any indication, and if so, on what
reports, in any, have been submitted to the MCC on the safety of these drugs if
they are generally available in our country?
have died as a result of using these drugs. The highest US regulatory
authorities have instituted processes to study their impact. As of now, we do
not know what the WHO and UNAIDS have to say.
we need to know what our own regulatory authorities have to say. We also need
to know whether our own health authorities have communicated to everybody
concerned the substance of what the Wall Street Journal reported.
What are the answers to all the questions that have been posed?
year, the periodical ANC Today posed other questions relating
to another clinical trial conducted in our country. This concerned a
microbiside that was touted as being potentially effective in the context of
quote this article in full because of the important issues it raises,
especially in the light of what we have just said with regard to Videx and
"DRUG TRIALS "HIV/AIDS, profit and fundamental human rights "THE STORY OF NONOXYNOL-9, known as N-9, an active ingredient
used in chemical barriers to HIV and STD transmission, raises disturbing
questions about research ethics, drug company profits and the role in Africa
of international development agencies. "Products designed to provide a chemical barrier to HIV and STD
transmission, such as N-9, are called microbicides. "According to a circular of the US Centres for Disease Control
(CDC), dated 4 August 2000: "From 1996 until May 2000, UNAIDS sponsored
a study of the effectiveness of a gel which contained 52.5 milligrams of
N-9., compared to an inactive gel. The study was conducted in several
locations in Africa. Nearly 1,000 HIV-negative commercial sex workers were
enrolled in the trial, and all women were counselled to use condoms
consistently and correctly. In addition to condom use, the women were asked
to use a vaginal gel each time they had intercourse. Half of the women were
provided a placebo (non-active) gel and half of the women received an N-9
gel." "Later, we will report on the results of this trial and the
recommendations of the CDC. But before this, we have to give a short account
of the history of N-9. "The conclusions of a 1992 N-9 study were published in the
journal JAMA 1992 July 22-29; 268(4):477-82 and stated that:
"Genital ulcers and vulvitis occurred with increased frequency in
nonoxynol 9 sponge users. We (who conducted the trial) were unable to
demonstrate that nonoxynol 9 sponge use was effective in reducing the risk of
HIV infection among highly exposed women."The trial referred to here was
conducted among sex workers in Kenya in 1992. "The results of another study were published in 1993 in the International
Journal on STD and AIDS 1993 May-June; 4(3):165-70. This study
concluded that: "The rate of epithelial disruption (genital ulcers) for
women using N-9 4/day was five times greater than that of placebo
users." "After another study conducted in Kenya, the Journal of
Infectious Diseases 1991 February; 163(2):233-9, had concluded that
genital ulcers were associated with increased risk of HIV-1 infection. "By the time UNAIDS began its studies in 1996, published
scientific knowledge was that:
"The August 2000 CDC circular to which we have referred said that
the results of the UNAIDS trial were reported at the 2000 Durban
International AIDS Conference, as follows: "At the end of the trial, researchers found that the women who
used N-9 gel had become infected with HIV at about a 50% higher rate than
women who used the placebo gel. Further, the more frequently women used only
N-9 gel (without a condom) to protect themselves, the higher their risk of
becoming infected. Simply stated, N-9 did not protect against HIV infection
and may have caused more transmission. Women who used N-9 also had more
vaginal lesions, which might have facilitated HIV transmission." "As we now know, these precise results of N-9, announced in 2000,
were already publicly known by 1993. And yet UNAIDS began its trial in 1996,
knowing that N-9 increased the risk of HIV infection, especially among those
who might use the microbicide with high frequency, such as prostitutes. "Despite this knowledge, after the results were announced at the
Durban AIDS Conference, Dr Joseph Perriens of UNAIDS could still say:
"We were dismayed to find out that the group using N-9 gel had a higher
rate of HIV infection than the group using a placebo." "South Africa was one of the African countries in which UNAIDS
conducted its trial. In a press release issued in Durban on 12 July, 2000, an
organisation named AEGiS reported that the sites for the South African trial
were Durban and Johannesburg. "It also reported that the Principal Investigators responsible
for the trial in these two cities were, respectively, Dr S. Salim Abdool
Karim and Dr Helen Rees. At the same time as he was leading investigations
into the efficacy of a chemical compound that was known to be extremely
harmful, Dr Karim was head of AIDS Research at our Medical Research Council.
For her part, Dr Rees was Chairperson of the Medicines Control Council, the
body charged with the responsibility of licensing drugs and medicines. "The Business Day edition of 13 July 2000
reported Dr Rees as 'caution(ing) that the (negative) results were not
conclusive and more work needed to be done on the issue. She pointed out, for
instance, that it was possible that the group using the placebo (or
substitute with N-9) may have been exposed to a more active microbicide.'
Presumably by saying that "more work needed to be done", she meant
that more women needed to be exposed to the highly toxic N-9. "In its edition of August 14, 2000, the Washington Post reported
that: "Two U.S.-funded studies involving nonoxynol-9 are underway in
African women at risk of HIV. One, sponsored by the Agency for International
Development to test the ability of nonoxynol-9 gel to prevent sexually
transmitted diseases among a group of women in Cameroon, is due to be
completed in September. The other, a study sponsored by the NIAID to look for
protection against HIV in women in Zimbabwe and Malawi, is getting underway.
In light of the disturbing findings, reported last month at the 13th
International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, researchers have
abandoned plans to test nonoxynol-9 in that study, said Ward Cates of Family
Health International, a non-profit health research organisation that is co-ordinating
the project. Cates said there is no evidence that nonoxynol-9 is harmful to
women when used as a contraceptive. Nonoxynol-9 is a detergent that is a
contraceptive and a microbicide (or germ-killer)." "It is puzzling that Cates should have found it necessary to
promote the use of N-9 as a contraceptive, to soften the impact of the
negative results announced in Durban. "We do not know whether the US-funded trials in other African
countries represent the "more work" to which Dr Rees referred. "The gel mentioned in this article is produced by a US company
called Columbia Laboratories Inc and is marketed as Advantage-S. According to
the Wall Street Journal, after the N-9 trial results were
announced in Durban, Columbia shares 56%, to $5.75. The paper also reported
that, nevertheless, President and CEO of the company, Mr William Bologna,
said the negative N-9 results "may not be scientifically
meaningful." "In a press release dated March 20, 2000, Columbia Laboratories
Inc said: "Prospective investors are cautioned that any.(Columbia)
forward looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and
involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ
materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements (of the
company). Such risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the
successful timely completion of the study now being conducted by the UNAIDS
group." "Despite this cautionary note, Columbia Laboratories Inc could
not avoid the retribution of either the market or its shareholders. According
to the Wall Street Journal, not only did its share price fall
dramatically, but it was also sued by its shareholders. The shareholders
charged that insiders sold more than $1 million in stock at inflated prices
before the results were announced. "This is a highly disturbing story that has directly affected us
as a country. It raises a number of questions that require urgent answers,
some of which are:
"All these questions, bearing on the very lives of our people,
require urgent answers. "The story contained in this article speaks of our vulnerability
as an African country to the anti-human activities of some corporate forces.
It also speaks to our own capacity, as South Africans, willingly to
co-operate in the promotion of these activities. It tells a story of how easy
it is for some, further to entrench the abuse of already abused African women
- this time in the name of science and health. "Dr Rees, Chairperson of the MCC, argues that 'more work' needs
to be done on N-9 because the negative results announced in Durban 'were not
conclusive'. This sentiment is echoed by the CEO Bologna of Columbia
Laboratories Inc., who says that these negative results 'may not be
scientifically meaningful.' "On the other hand, the CDC says: "However, given that N-9
has now been proven ineffective against HIV transmission, the possibility of
risk, with no benefit, indicates that N-9 should not be recommended as an
effective means of HIV prevention." "What we ask is - what else about HIV/AIDS is more about profit
and less about the health of our people. Time will tell." |
this day, the important issues raised in this article have not been answered.
We do not know how many of our people have died as others, such as those at
Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, conducted experiments on our people or
"treated" them, relying on dangerously tendentious results of
clinical trials and MCC approvals of trials sponsored by the pharmaceutical
Chapter VII
we proceed to the matter of MTCT and nevirapine, let us briefly discuss the
issue of AZT, which continues to have its own fans in our country. It is used
by the provincial government of the Western Cape among African women allegedly
for MTCT. Despite the unequivocal advice of its manufacturer that it should not
be used in instances of rape, those intent on marketing this drug continue to
demand that it should be made available for this purpose within our public
health system.
her book "Positively False", (I.B. Tauris, London: New York,
1998), Joan Shenton has written:
spite of the manufacturers claiming that (AZT) prolonged life and delayed the
onset of AIDS, doctors actually working with patients could only see them
getting sicker and sicker before their very eyes and then dying.
Quite simply, AZT is a DNA chain terminator. That means it destroys the
mechanism by which new cells are made in the body. It stops the growth of
DNA causing the fast or slow death of the immune system because all growing
cells will be killed by the incorporation of AZT. Its action is similar to
cancer chemotherapy, whereby bad cells are killed in the hope of keeping enough
good cells to survive. In cancer chemotherapy the treatment is given for a
limited period of time. AZT is prescribed indefinitely – until death. (Our
supporting evidence supporting irreversible damage from AZT had been published
in The Lancet in 1988. Drs Christine Costello and Naheed Mir
reported serious bone marrow damage in their patients on AZT, with 36 per cent
requiring blood transfusions. The authors write, 'It is worrying that bone
marrow changes in patients on zidovudine (AZT) seem not to be really reversed
when the drug is withdrawn... (The Lancet, 19 November, 1988)...
from inhibiting DNA synthesis and killing healthy cells, AZT (according to
<the manufacturer> Wellcome's own official literature) has other serious
effects on the body."
is not accidental that AZT action is "similar to cancer
chemotherapy", as Joan Shenton puts it. This is because it was developed
in 1964 by a Dr Jerome Horwitz as a cancer chemotherapy drug. However it was
abandoned even before it reached the stage of human trials because of its high
levels of toxicity and its ineffectiveness against cancer.
manufacturers of AZT, the then Glaxo Wellcome, presented it 20 years later as
an anti-HIV drug. This was at a time when the scare mongering referred to earlier
had produced great panic in the US that millions were going to die as a result
of HIV/AIDS, the same panic that is now been sown among our people. Overnight,
the abandoned cancer "treatment" AZT, became the miracle drug that
would contain HIV/AIDS!
great was the fear generated by the scare mongers that even the approved trial
was abandoned before it was concluded.
his book "Poison by Prescription: The AZT Story", (Asklepios
1990), John Laurintzen writes that 'Martin Delaney of Project Inform gives a
fair summary of what emerges from the FDA material:
multi-center clinical trials of AZT are perhaps the sloppiest and most poorly
controlled trials ever to serve as the basis for an FDA drug licensing
approval. Conclusions of efficacy were based on an endpoint (mortality) not
initially planned or formally followed in the study after the drug failed to
demonstrate efficacy on all the originally intended endpoints. Because
mortality was not an intended endpoint, causes of death were never verified.
Despite this, and a frightening record of toxicity, the FDA approved AZT in
record time, granting a treatment IND in less than five days and full
pharmaceutical licensing in less than 6 months."
the FDA is the US Government's Food and Drug Administration which licences
drugs and medicines. The FDA material used by Laurintzen and Delaney was
obtained from the FDA under the Freedom of Information Act.)
reports that a conference on AIDS was held at Columbia University, New York, on
19 November, 1988. Dr Sonnabend was one of the speakers. Lairintzen says:
began by saying that the toxicities of AZT should not lightly be dismissed. The
harmful effects of the drug are real, and they are serious. Technically,
AZT is a poison; it is cytotoxic (i.e. it kills cells). The drug cannot
distinguish between infected and healthy cells; it kills both. Never
before has a drug as toxic as AZT been prescribed for long-term use. The
long-term effects of AZT, the cumulative toxicities are unknown. Sonnabend
emphasised the ethical responsibilities of the physician, to be sure that there
was a sound scientific basis for the benefits of the drug, considering that its
toxicities were firmly established." (Our emphasis).
C. Cooper, M.D., M.P.H., was one of the FDA medical officers attached to the
AZT trial. In her "Medical Officer Review of NDA 19-655"and
"Addendum #1", she wrote that:
measures of viral activity were used,) and 'no statistically significant
changes in the percent of positive cultures or time to detection of virus in
culture were observed...
particular concern is the possibility that the hematologic toxicity of the drug
when administered over a prolonged period of time may eventually debilitate
patients to such an extent that they may become less able to resist
opportunistic infections and other complications of HIV-disease (sic) than if
they had been left untreated...
majority of patients who were randomised to receive AZT in this trial
experienced significant toxicity."
his "Review & Evaluation of Pharmacology & Toxicity Data
(of AZT)", Harvey I. Chernov, Ph.D., wrote:
may be a potential carcinogen. It appear to be at least as active as the
positive control material, methylcholanthrene, (a known and extremely potent
although the dose varied, anemia was noted in all species (including man) in
which the drug has been tested...
conclusion, the full preclinical toxicological profile is far from complete
with 6-month data available, but not yet submitted, one year studies to begin
shortly etc. The available data are insufficient to support NDA approval."
Medical Research and Opinion", Vol 15: Supplement, 1999, carries the
following comment:
present, evidence also exists which shows that AZT is rapidly reduced by
compounds containing sulphydryl (-SH); that is, AZT oxidises the –SH groups.
Ample evidence also exists which shows that oxidation in general (and of –SH in
particular) and decreased levels of ATP may lead to many laboratory and
clinical abnormalities, including wasting, muscular atrophy, anaemia, damage to
the liver and kidney, decreased cellular proliferation, cancer and
immunodeficiency. Since patients who are at risk of AIDS are exposed to many
oxidising agents and are known to have low –SH levels, one would expect AZT to
have particularly toxic effects in these individuals – and the sicker the
patient the more toxic the drug. That this is the case was accepted by
researchers from the National Cancer Institute, Wellcome Laboratories and
Abbott Laboratories as far back as 1988: 'Azidothymidine (AZT), however, is
associated with toxicities than can limit its use... These toxicities are
particularly troublesome in patients with established AIDS; the use of
azidothymidine is often limited in this population... "
all the foregoing concerning the toxicity of AZT and the strange circumstances
surrounding its licensing in the US, there are some in our country who are
desperately keen that we make AZT generally available in the public health
system, as we would ordinary headache tablets. Boldly, they claim to be the
best friends of the African!
least two questions arise from the foregoing:
Chapter VIII
us now return to the matter of MTCT and nevirapine.
is a pharmaceutical company that produces nevirapine, selling it under the
brand name Viramune. This company published the following warning (in capital
letters) in the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR 2001), considered the best
available source of information on the safety of medications for humans:
2001 also says:
should be informed that Viramune therapy has not been shown to reduce the risk
of transmission of HIV-1 to others through sexual contact or blood
contamination... Viramune is not a cure for HIV-infection; patients may
continue to experience illnesses associated with advanced HIV-1 infection,
including opportunistic infections."
also says that:
"Evaluation of the pharmacokinetics of nevirapine in neonates is
ongoing" and "the safety profile of Viramune in neonates has not been
established." (Our emphasis).
2001 further says:
or life-threatening hepatotoxicity, including fatal fulminant hepatitis
(transaminases elevations, with or without hyperbilirubinemia, prolonged
partial thromboplatin time, or eosinophilia), has occurred in patients treated
with Viramune."
most recent guidelines of the US government on HIV treatment were issued on
February 5, 2001. With regard to HIV-infected pregnant women, the Guidelines
for optimal antiretroviral therapy and for initiation of therapy in pregnant
HIV-infected women should be the same as those delineated for non-pregnant
adults. Thus, the woman's clinical, virologic and immunologic status should be
of primary importance in guiding treatment decisions. However, it must
be realised that the potential impact of such therapy on the fetus and infant
is unknown... Long-term follow-up is recommended for all infants born
to women who have received antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy... (Our
are currently minimal data available on the pharmacokinetics and safety of
antiretroviral agents during pregnancy for drugs other than ZDV (AZT)... There
are insufficient data available at present to justify the substitution of any
antiretroviral agent other than ZDV for the purpose of reducing perinatal HIV
transmission; further research will address this question...
is important to recognise that the predictive value of in vitro and
animal screening tests for adverse in humans is unknown."
the Summary to the Guidelines, the point is made that:
education and involvement in therapeutic decisions is important for all medical
conditions, but is considered especially critical for HIV infection and
its treatment." (Our emphasis.)
these observations are reiterated in the updated Guidelines published in
February 2002.)
emphasise the observation underlined in the last but one paragraph above to
draw attention to the fact that the US scientists who drew up the Guidelines sought
to highlight the point that the treatment of HIV should not be approached in a
routine manner, however experienced, in general, the medical personnel that is
then called upon to deal with this condition.
we have also pointed out, the Guidelines also say that
HIV-positive pregnant women should also be handled and prepared in the same way
as any other adult with regard to treatment. We will therefore quote at some
length what the Guidelines say on this matter.
"Care should be supervised by an expert... Before initiating
therapy in any patient, however, the following evaluation should be performed:
evaluation should include routine tests pertinent to the prevention of OIs, if
not already performed (RPR or VDRL, tuberculin skin test, toxoplasma IgG
serology, and gynecologic exam with Pap smear), and other tests as clinically
indicated (e.g., chest X-ray, hepatitis C virus (HCV) serology, ophthalmic exam)
(AII). Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serology is indicated in a patient who is a
candidate for hepatitis B vaccine or has abnormal liver function tests (AII),
and CMV serology may be useful in certain individuals, as discussed in the
"USPHS/IDSA Guidelines for the Prevention of Opportunistic Infections in
Persons Infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus" (2) (BIII)...
is necessary for the patient to be entered into a continuum of medical care and
services, including social, psychosocial, and nutritional services, with the
availability of expert referral and consultation. In order to achieve the
maximal flexibility in tailoring therapy to each patient over the duration of
his or her infection, it is imperative that drug formularies allow for all FDA-approved
NRTI, NNRTI, and PI as treatment options."
In the immediate preceding paragraphs, 'A' stands for "Strong, should
always be offered"; 'B', for "Moderate, should usually be offered.
'I' stands for "At least one randomised trial with clinical endpoints;
'II', for "Clinical trials with laboratory endpoints; and 'III', for
"Expert opinion".)
regard to the immediate foregoing, at least three questions arise in the South
African context.
these Guidelines being followed by our medical practitioners?
the public health system have the capacity to implement these guidelines?
this capacity does not exist, would it be ethical for our doctors nevertheless
to prescribe anti-retroviral therapy?
our medical practitioners do not follow the Guidelines as
indicated above, would they not be guilty of justiciable malpractice?
in October 2001, Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos et al, published a monograph
entitled: "Mother to Child Transmission of HIV and its Prevention with
AZT and Nevirapine." We will quote a few paragraphs from this
monograph, which we will identify as EPE.
far back as 1988, there was evidence that the antibody tests in children are
non-specific. It is accepted by all AIDS experts that a child can have
positive antibody test without being infected. This is because maternal
antibodies cross the placenta as early as the 12th week of
gestation. As a result of normal catabolism, the level of these antibodies
decreases post partum and by 9 months of age they are no longer present in the
child. In other words, if the HIV antibody test is specific, any child who has
a positive HIV antibody test beyond 9 months should remain positive for the
remainder of his or her life. In the only study providing a detailed analysis
of post partum loss of infant HIV seropositivity, the European
Collaborative Study, approximately 23% of the children became seronegative
between birth and 9 months. However, 59% became seronegative between 9 and 22
months. Since the latter cannot be due to loss of maternal antibodies, the only
explanation is that: (i) the antibody test is non-specific or; (ii) the children
managed to clear HIV infection without treatment. If 23% of children test
positive because of maternal antibodies and in 59% the test is non-specific,
how certain can one be that in the remaining 18% of children the test will also
not seroconvert after 22 months? Or if the test remains positive it is true
positive?" (Our emphasis).
the studies of transmission of HIV from mother to child use the Roche Amplicon
PCR to detect neonatal HIV infection, as HIV antibody detection by HIV ELISA
cannot be used in the first 18 months due to the persistence of maternal
antibodies in the infant's circulation.
the US CDC states that PCR must not be used to diagnose HIV infection in
adolescents and neonates. It then says that nevertheless it can be used in
should also note that the abundant 'copies per ml' that PCR detects in the
bloodstream are not whole virus particles, despite the misleading appellation
of 'viral load'. They are genetic material whose sequence is the same as that
of constituents of the HIV genome.
'high viral load' on PCR does not automatically assume profound infection with
HIV. This is presumably why the manufacturers caution against use of the test
to diagnose HIV infection – lest they be sued by a patient who subsequently
proves not to have HIV infection.
all this, all the evidence for reduction of vertical transmission using
antiretroviral drugs is premised on the detection of neonatal HIV infection
using PCR. Not surprisingly, the evidence is consequently self-contradictory,
with a proportion of so-called infected babies spontaneously becoming disease
free in the first 9 months and later, while another subset initially negative,
developing positive PCR despite the mother abstaining from breast feeding.
puzzling of all is the finding from the (still unpublished!) PETRA B study in
which the well-known Dr Glenda Gray was a principal investigator.
study demonstrated that at 18 months following birth, there was no
difference in HIV free survival between the infants whose HIV positive
mothers had been given AZT plus 3TC just before birth, and those whose HIV
positive mothers had received placebo.
not surprisingly, Dr Gray's PhD thesis, which is presumably largely based on
this study, is, several years later, still in the 'pipeline' and unpublished. Is
this because the study shows that antiretroviral therapy for HIV positive
pregnant women does not, in fact, "save babies' lives"?
EPE also cites a study conducted in 1999 by researchers from France and Rwanda.
Among other things, this study said:
436 eligible children, 54 were diagnosed as infected... A total of 347 children
were considered uninfected... In HIV-1 infected children, the most frequently
observed clinical signs were chronic cough, failure to thrive, and generalised
lymphadenopathy, which also were reported among the most frequent HIV-related
conditions in other developing countries. Chronic cough and failure to thrive
were present in almost half of the initial patterns of symptomatic disease in
our series. However, these three conditions were also common in uninfected
children. In our cohort, the most specific findings of HIV-infection were oral
candidiasis and chronic parotitis, a pattern similar to the one observed in the
New York City cohort... Twenty-eight (52%) infected children and 13 (4%)
uninfected children died during follow-up... The risk of death was not
significantly higher in children who had developed AIDS in comparison to the
other children. No specific combination of clinical manifestations was
associated with differences in survival. Biologically, neither the maternal CD4
cell count at day 15 nor the child's CD4/CD8 ratio at 6 months of age was
predictive of death."
also quotes the WHO, as follows:
the 1989 'Report on the Meeting of the Technical Working Group on HIV/AIDS in
Childhood', World Health Organisation, global programme on AIDS, it is stated:
infections that are common in children, particularly in developing countries
(such as pneumonia and diarrhoea), mimic the HIV infection in their clinical
signs... Because of the incompletely defined spectrum of disease in infancy and
childhood and the limitation of correct laboratory diagnostic tests (antibody,
PCR, virus culture, HIV antigens, in vitro antibody
production) there is no clear standard against which to measure
existing or proposed paediatric AIDS definition." (Our emphasis).
of the conclusions that EPE draws from its extensive study of existing
scientific material on MTCT is that:
is no valid method to prove infection of the child with HIV. There is
no proof that any of the tests used to prove infection are HIV specific.
Neither are the tests reproducible or standardised. This is well illustrated by
the fact that there are few studies in which the same methodology and tests are
used (in some studies an "in-house" definition of MCT is used) and
the extreme variability in the findings of different groups, the findings are
not consistent even within one and the same group or even with the site in the
same study. This is best illustrated in the ECS and the Ariel project studies.
There is nothing specific either in regard to the immune deficiency (T4
decrease) or the clinical signs, symptoms and diseases, that is, AIDS reported
in infants and children of HIV positive mothers and used to prove MCT of HIV.
Such abnormalities existed in infants and children long before the AIDS era,
and in fact, in high frequency in the two groups in which the claims for MCT of
HIV have been obtained, that is, in women living in poverty and using drugs... At
present, there is no proof that HIV, even if it is assumed to be present in
pregnant mothers, is perinatally transmitted to their offspring." (Our
also says:
pharmacological mode of action of nevirapine can only prevent infection of
cells not already infected. Thus, when given to the mother, it could prevent
transmission only if the child is not already infected.
nevirapine like AZT is capable only of preventing infection of new cells and is
unable to inhibit the expression of HIV within already infected cells or
eradicate the virus, when the drug is given to neonates, especially three days post
partum, it will have no effect on MCT in utero or during
labour and delivery. Under these circumstances nevirapine may prevent
transmission via breast feeding and then only for a very short period of time
(days). However, since,
a regime of the drug cannot inhibit MCT via breast milk even for a very short
period of time.
the pharmacological action of the drug and its pharmacokinetics, one wonders
how anyone can propose a protocol like that used in the Uganda study and expect
an effect on MCT?
recommending nevirapine as mono or combination therapy it is important to
consider that not only is its anti-viral effect even when administered for
lengthy periods limited and of extremely short duration, but that it confers
resistance to the treatment with other anti-retrovirals. It is also significant
that the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products recommends
the use of nevirapine only for combination therapy and only for 'infected
patients with advanced or progressive immunodeficiency.'
present, no proof exists that children become infected by their mothers either in
utero or post partum with a unique human retrovirus,
HIV or (that) this can be prevented by AZT or nevirapine."
also quotes a 1998 study carried out by Ian Timaeus of the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Relying on this study EPE says:
is worth emphasising that infant and child mortality fell in Uganda in the
early 1990s despite the severity of the HIV epidemic in this country.
Presumably developments acting to improve child health have outweighed the
impact on mortality of the spread of HIV. Thus, these estimates suggest that
the HIV epidemic exerts an important but not decisive influence on trends in
infant and child mortality. Without additional data (said Timaeus), one cannot
separate the impact of AIDS on infant and child mortality from that of other
other words, in Africa no proof exists of an increased mortality in children
above that reflected by the 'enduring impact of under-development', resulting
from HIV infection, not even in Uganda, where no less an authority on HIV and
AIDS than Robert Gallo reported that as far back as 1973, 50/75 (67%) of a
sample of 75 children were infected with HIV. This means that a similar proportion
of mothers and presumably fathers in Uganda would also have been infected in
1973. If the HIV antibody tests do prove HIV infection and if HIV is the cause
of AIDS one should have witnessed an inexorable decline in the Ugandan
population over the past twenty years. Instead:
says: 'The population in Uganda has increased from the 4.9 million enumerated
in the 1948 census to 6.5 million in 1959; 9.5 million by 1969; 12.6 million by
1980; and 16.7 million were enumerated at the 1991 census. Uganda's population
is growing at a rate of 2.5 per cent which leads to an estimated population of
21 million people by 1998. It is estimated that 47 per cent of the population
is under 15, while only 3 per cent are above 65 years. Thus the population is young
and has in-built potential to grow (momentum) as the large proportion of
children become parents.'...
one necessary and sufficient measure to decrease childhood mortality in the
developing world, including death from 'AIDS', as well as the phenomena claimed
to prove HIV infection and thus the putative mother-to-child-transmission of
'HIV', is to eliminate poverty."
the population of Uganda is now 23 million!)
Chapter IX
of course, raises the critically important question of where these resources
are to come from, "to eliminate poverty." For those who think that
the route of the extensive distribution of anti-retroviral drugs is the most
affordable, they should take heed of what an IMF staff study had to say.
newspaper, Business Day, reported on November 15, 2001 that:
southern African nation will be able to offer general access to antiretroviral
treatment for HIV/AIDS through its public health service, even if the drugs are
available at marginal cost, concludes a grim new International Monetary Fund
(IMF) staff study.
and Botswana are possible exceptions, but 'only to a limited extent', says the
study's author, Markus Haacker of the IMF's research department, in an analysis
that highlights the quandary faced by SA policy makers.
2010, Haaker estimates, the cost of providing highly active antiretroviral
treatment to 30%, or less than a third, of South Africans who need it would
represent about 1,4% of gross domestic product (GDP).
just 10% of those needing the treatment receiving it, the cost of all
HIV-related health service for SA would be close to 1% of GDP in 2010,
equivalent to nearly a third of public health expenditure in 1997...
concludes that even getting antiretrovirals to 10% of patients will be difficult.
'Given the serious shortages in personnel and infrastructure the health sector
is facing, the scope for alleviating the (effect) of HIV/AIDS on the health
sector through financial aid is limited."
the article we have already cited, Dr Laurence of "The AIDS Reader"
also says:
addition, these 2 (US) studies did not consider the economic costs of
resistance testing and medication adherence monitoring, as well as public
health consequences should these issues not be an integral part of all economic
discussions of HIV/AIDS. This omission will have a great impact worldwide if
recent calls are heeded and wide distribution of ART (anti-retroviral therapy)
in Africa and similar areas being decimated by HIV occurs without adequate
oversight of medication adherence...
factors may facilitate such resistance, but patient noncompliance and drug
interactions are key. Arguably, these confounders can only be exacerbated in
the developing world, in the setting of poverty, instability of social
structures, and lack of health care resources.
the United States, spread of resistant strains may be mitigated by genotypic
and phenotypic resistance testing. Like ART itself, these assays are
cost-effective in some instances. But they could double the cost of many ART
regimens. This will confound future assessments of the economies of HIV
treatments in the context of public health predictions for the growth and
medical impact of resistant strains...
1993, when HAART was not yet conceived, an editorial appeared in the Annals
of Internal Medicine entitled, "The hazards of misguided
compassion". It addressed the issue of rapid, unmonitored
dissemination of 2-drug ART in the community before what the writer felt was
sufficient clinical testing. We now know that such use had a very small impact
on life expectancy but promoted resistant viral strains, which persist for the
life of the patient. Based on this experience, I would argue for limited and
monitored distribution of free or low-cost ART in those regions where, based on
poor existing infrastructures or known problems with treatment of other
communicable infections such as tuberculosis, it is least likely to be of
benefit to the individual or the community...
about affordability) and the quality of existing infrastructures, must receive
careful review and updates, based both on economic valuations and on public
health considerations, in the design and dissemination of ART worldwide."
WHO supports this conclusion when it says:
it should be noted that drug costs may represent only
a fraction of the costs of the services that are required for an
effective MTCT-prevention programme." (WHO/RHR/01.21). (Our emphases).
fact of the matter, however, is that the omnipotent apparatus has succeeded to
convince everybody that all that needs to be done is to reduce the price of the
drugs, and all problems of cost will be solved!
advantage of this, some of the pharmaceutical companies have sought to capture
particular markets, especially in the poor countries, by offering to donate
their drugs free-of-charge, for particular periods of time. The manufacturers
of nevirapine/viramune, Boehringer-Ingelheim (sp?), have offered our country a
free supply of this drug for five years.
national Ministry and Department of Health have not accepted this offer.
Nevertheless, some of our provinces have been both proud and loud to announce
the acceptance of this offer.
leadership in these provinces is happy to ride a crest of dangerously
misinfomed popularity, in fact to threaten the health, and lives, of our
people, while claiming to be acting in the interest of life itself. This is a
matter that has to be dealt with strongly and in a principled manner.
now, we will only report on WHO Guidelines relating to the issue of "Managing
Nevirapine Donations". These guidelines appear in the 2001 WHO
document entitled "Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV:
Selection and Use of Nevirapine: Technical Notes."
other things, this document says:
"The drug donation should be based on an expressed need and should
not be sent without prior consent of the recipient country...
"The programme should not be promotional in character, or increase
market opportunities for a specific commercial enterprise to the detriment of
"The donation should be based on a sound analysis of the recipient
country's needs, and the selection and distribution of nevirapine must fit
within existing policies and guidelines on MTCT-prevention; the standards of
the MTCT-prevention programme must be promoted; health workers must be trained
and systems for supervision, and monitoring and evaluation must be put in
"The additional costs to the recipient country should be calculated
in advance and funding arrangements made;
"Financing mechanisms for ensuring sustained access to nevirapine
beyond the five years of the donation programme should be defined."
WHO document says all these guidelines, and others, "require
special attention in the case of the nevirapine donation"!
pharmaceutical company concerned has deliberately and consciously ignored all
these Guidelines. Consciously and deliberately, it has decided to treat our
government and country with contempt. It has taken the decision that both what
the government our people have chosen and the decisions they take, are
immaterial to what it decides to do in our country.
some NGO's funded by the "haves", it has understood the phenomenon of self-repression
among us and the instinct 'to love to look upon or to be noticed by
the possessor of Power or Conspicuousness'.
has understood what poverty does to people, driving them to think with their
stomachs rather than their heads. To gain material advantage, the
privileged poor among us are quite ready to transform themselves into
defenders, representatives and sales agents of the Powerful and Conspicuous.
privileged poor know that the latter will reward them with dollars. They do not
care what happens to the powerless and inconspicuous they claim to represent!
As with their paymasters, what makes their world go round is – money, money,
of all this, the manufacturers of nevirapine have acted in our country in a
manner they would not dare in the developed world.
on our government to ignore the WHO guidelines will not come from the company.
It will come from those among us who have accepted the need for self-repression,
who tell us everyday that what the pharmaceutical companies say, is correct and
should be , acted on.
the Chicago NGO, AIPAC, undoubtedly supported by our own Glenda Gray, said in
relation to the drugs Videx and Zerit, we must accept that the manufacturer is
'a global health and personal care company whose mission is to extend and
enhance human life'!
our people are about, both black and white, to decide what happens to
themselves, their children and their country, demands that they decide what
they do with their health. This requires that they think independently.
must refuse to be bribed or intimidated as some presume that because they are
poor, and by definition deprived and dis-empowered, they are ready to be bought
and terrorised.
as it is, the possibility to think independently must also apply to the
question of HIV/AIDS. This, too, is about what happens to us as a people. It
has to do with our physiological health, our psychological health, our
political health, our assessment of ourselves as Africans.
so we come to the questions which the omnipotent apparatus decrees should not
be asked.
the US government does not recommend nevirapine for MTCT, on what basis are we
being asked to use this drug for MTCT?
its safety relative to the child has not been established, why are we being
asked to give it to our mothers and children?
do those who argue for the efficacy of nevirapine in MTCT base this conclusion
the difficulties associated with determining the HIV status of infants, how is
this status determined in our country?
study exists in our country that measures comparative infant mortality between
'HIV-positive' and 'HIV-negative' infants?
is meant by an AIDS-orphan – how are these scientifically determined as
'AIDS-orphans' as opposed to mere orphans?
Chapter X
have already referred to the need to get accurate information about the
incidence of disease and death in our country. Everyday, we are fed with
"information" that large numbers of people are dying from AIDS, with
many anecdotes being told.
November 22, 2001, the US periodical, "Rolling Stone", published
an article by the South African writer and journalist, Rian Malan.
are many things that Malan says in this article that, undoubtedly, will have
enraged the omnipotent apparatus.
to the HIV-tests we have already dealt with, Malan says that in the US each
person is subjected to a number of tests. He says:
other words, we're talking six tests in all, doubly confirmed. Such a protocol
is probably foolproof... In the annual pregnancy-clinic surveys on which South
Africa's terrifying AIDS statistics are based, the protocol isone ELISA
only, unconfirmed by anything. In America, one ELISA means
almost nothing. 'Persons are positive only when they are repeatedly reactive by
ELISA and confirmed by Western Blot,' says the CDC." (Our emphases).
education in the complexities of the ELISA test started when I came across an
article in a scientific journal published last year. It told a story that began
in 1994, when researchers ran HIV tests on 184 high-risk subjects in a South
African mining camp. Twenty-one of the subjects came up positive or borderline
positive on at least one ELISA. But the results were confusing. A locally
manufactured test said two subjects were positive. A British test indicated
seven, but different people in almost every case. A French test declared
fourteen were infected.
seemed something was confounding the tests, and the prime suspect was plasmodium
falciparum, one of the parasites that causes malaria. Of the
twenty-one subjects who tested positive, sixteen had had recent malaria
infections and huge levels of antibody in their veins. The researchers tried an
experiment: They formulated a preparation that absorbed the malaria antibodies,
treated the blood samples with it, then retested them. Eighty per cent of the
suspected HIV infections disappeared." (Our emphasis).
reports that he asked a member of a team of demographers who had studied
African mortality statistics:
you accept the high levels of HIV infection being reported by Geneva (UN
AIDS)?" To which the demographer replied:
don't have much faith. It's essentially a modelling exercise, and the
exercise has always seemed to have a political dimension." (Our
is his article, Malan says:
computer models suggested that AIDS deaths here (in South Africa) had tripled
in three years, surging from 80,000 odd in 1996 to 250,000 in 1999. But no such
rise was discernible in total registered deaths, which went from 294,703 to
343,535 within roughly the same period. The discrepancy was so large that I
wrote to Statistics SA – the nation's census bureau – and to the Medical
Research Council – a governmental body – to make absolutely sure I had
understood these numbers correctly. Both parties confirmed that I had, and at
that exact moment, my story was in trouble. Geneva's figures reflected
catastrophe. Pretoria's did not. Between these extremes lay a gray area
populated by local experts such as Stephen Kramer, manager of insurance giant
Metropolitan's AIDS Research Unit, whose own computer model shows AIDS deaths
at about one-third Geneva's estimates. But so what? South African actuaries
don't get a say in this debate. The figures you see in your newspapers come
from Geneva. The WHO takes pains to label these numbers estimates only,
but still, these are the estimates we all accept as the truth." (Our
(NB: At
least part of this increase in the mortality figures is due to the
fact that national statistics are now capturing data from those sections of the
majority African population that had previously been excluded, because of the
apartheid system. The apparent absolute increase may therefore not reflect an
actual relative increase of mortality among our population, and almost
certainly does not.)
then says:
(I assumed that) it was indeed true that very large numbers of South Africans
were dying, then the nation's coffin makers had to be laboring hard to keep
pace with growing demand...
I called the real-wood firms, three industrialists who manufactured coffins on
an assembly live for the national market.
quiet', said Kurt Lammerding of GNG Pine Products. 'We aren't feeling anything
at all.' His competitors concurred – business was dead, so to speak.
a fact,' said Mr A.B. Schwegman of B&A Coffins. 'If you go on what you read
in the newspapers, we should be overwhelmed, but there's nothing. So what's
going on? You tell me.'
couldn't, although I suspected it might have something to do with race. Since
the downfall of apartheid in 1994, illegal backyard funeral parlors have
mushroomed in the black townships, and my sources couldn't discount the
possibility that these outfits were scoring their coffins from the underground
economy. So I called a black-owned firm, Mmabatho Coffins, but it had gone out
of business, along with others I tried calling... (In downtown Johannesburg)
Penny's place was locked up and deserted. Inside I saw unsold coffins stacked
ceiling-high, and a forlorn CLOSED sign hung on a wire."
the omnipotent apparatus will kill Rian Malan's article by ensuring that as
many people as possible do not know that it was ever written and published.
Among other things, this will help this apparatus to sustain the fiction of
catastrophic figures of "HIV infection" in our country.
sustenance of these figures, which derive from drastically wrong testing
practice even in terms of the "orthodox" paradigm and process, is
important because it creates a market for the sale of anti-retroviral drugs. In
this context, findings such as those made by Rian Malan, that after the
necessary scientific work was done, "eighty per cent of the suspected HIV
infections disappeared", are totally unacceptable.
sounded thunderous drums about millions of our people being "infected by
HIV", imagine what would happen to the domestic and global army that lives
off this "apocalypse", if suddenly it would be said that eighty per
cent of the suspected HIV infections are a result of pure imagination or
defective medical processes!
seems obvious that the omnipotent apparatus will never allow such an outcome,
in its own interest. Of no consequence to the omnipotent apparatus in this
regard is the actual health condition of our people.
story will therefore continue to be told, with no respect whatsoever for the
truth, that, as a people, we are destined to perish as a result of an
overpowering "HIV infection" of millions of our people.
will not, at this stage, ask the questions to which the omnipotent apparatus is
opposed. Having conducted some research, rather than rely on anecdotes told as
a result of "perceptions", Rian Malan could not find the catastrophic
deaths regularly reported from Geneva.
was also able to establish that Geneva produces these figures with no reference
whatsoever to the actual record of deaths, as reflected in the reports
contained in the detailed Population Register kept by the Department of Home
will, of course, have noticed that since he spoke to them, the
"governmental body", the Medical Research Council, has changed its
tune on the matter of our mortality statistics. To do this, without notifying
anybody, it broke away from a committee of government bodies charged with the
task of studying the Home Affairs mortality figures and preparing a report on
this matter.
raised money, partly from an international pharmaceutical company, with no
authorisation by anybody in government, it proceeded to produce its own profile
and projections of mortality in our country. These were as catastrophic as
those regularly peddled by Geneva.
its efforts, it received the resounding acclaim of the omnipotent apparatus.
Obviously, it is in the interest of the omnipotent apparatus that the
"truth" as told by Geneva should prevail, rather than the truth
reflected in our national Population Register. The question is – why is the
telling of damaging falsehoods about our country so important to the omnipotent
as he began his inquiry, Rian Malan would have read the many statements that
are made about the catastrophic impact of HIV-AIDS on our industry and economy. Anglo
American plc is one of South Africa's major corporations, employing
many people in South and Southern Africa and elsewhere in the world.
corporation has been implementing its own programmes to respond to the AIDS
challenge. It began these programmes in Zimbabwe, which it says is "six
years ahead of South Africa in terms of HIV/AIDS impact."
the journal "Optima" (Vol 46 No 1, July 2000) it reported:
combined death and early-retirement rate (in Zimbabwe) equated to 25.3 per
1,000, or 'only' 2.5% - a manageable figure...
the case of the Anglo American group... the maximum expected annual staff loss
because of AIDS is not likely to be higher than 5%. You have to compare that
level, and the associated replacement costs, with the natural attrition rate of
workers leaving for whatever other reasons. In economic boom years we can lose
more than 15% of certain skilled workers through job-hopping for better pay and
can cite more examples from the mining industry that confirm the story told by
Anglo-American plc. The question that arises from all this is – whence do the
stories emanate that project a future economic crisis caused by death from AIDS
among our economically active population!
same question should be posed with regard to the similarly projected
catastrophe with regard to the public service.
story we have told so far shows unequivocally that, at best, the
"scientific" story that is told about the "HIV/AIDS
pandemic" in our country, is highly tendentious.
more any open-minded person probes it, as Rian Malan did, the more will this
person find that what this "science" states as incontrovertible
truths throws up more questions than it answers.
problem with all this is that, here, we are dealing with matters of life and
death. The issues we are discussing have to do with the lives of millions of
people. This does not allow for any recklessness or anything other than a
rigorous understanding of all the matters we have raised, and others besides.
does not permit of submission to a herd-instinct, to which many of us are so
prone. Because we are dealing here with science and facts, we cannot allow the
truth to be defeated by perceptions, faith and fear of the omnipotent
this situation, we have to accept that the search for the truth will be
denounced and punished by the omnipotent apparatus as unacceptable
question that faces any honest person, having been exposed to the reality that
there are many outstanding questions that require scientific answers, is
whether it is possible both to be conformist and retain one's sense of personal
integrity! Is it possible for us to be conformist and actually defeat the AIDS
threat that faces our people!
"scientific proofs" adduced to convince us about the various facets
of the HIV/AIDS question rest on very tenuous grounds. Yet, the reality is that
the majority of our people and the rest of the world, including our Continent,
believe that these "proofs" are indeed scientific proofs.
question arises naturally – why this groundswell of belief and faith!
Chapter XI
answer lies in the reality that the hypotheses about ourselves, that are presented
as facts, rest on an age-old definition by others of what and who we are, as
her book, "Women, Race and Class", the African-American
progressive activist, Angela Davis, writes of the attitude of white America
towards her people. She says their view has been:
conditions of our problem are as follows: 1. A century or two ago the negroes
were savages in the wilds of Africa. 2. Those who were brought to America, and
their descendants, have acquired a certain amount of civilisation, and are now
in some degree fitted for life in modern civilised society. 3. This progress of
the negroes has been in very large measure the result of their association with
civilised white people. 4. An immense mass of the negroes is sure to remain for
an indefinite period in the midst of the civilised white nation. The problem
is, how can we best provide for their peaceful residence and their further
progress in this nation of white men and how best can we guard against their
lapsing back into barbarism?"
extract appears in the book, "AIDS, Africa And Racism",
written by Richard and Rosalind Chirimuuta. (Free Association Books, London,
Chirimuuta's (themselves Medical Doctors) go on to say:
people were disease ridden, dirty in their habits, uncontrolled in their sexual
behaviour, and incapable of higher human values such as honesty or sexual
morality. Such views were succinctly expressed by an apologist for racism,
Winfield Collins, in a book published in 1918 entitled "The Truth
about Lynching and the Negro in the South (In which the Author Pleads that the
South Be Made Safe for the White Race)":
of the Negro's most prominent characteristics are the utter lack of chastity
and complete ignorance of veracity. The Negro's sexual laxity, considered so
immoral or even criminal in the white man's civilisation, may have been all but
a virtue in the habitat of his origin. There, nature developed in him intense
sexual passions to offset his high death rate."
his book "Debating AZT", (Open Books, Pietermaritzburg, 2000),
Anthony Brink quotes an article carried by The New York Times of
2 July 2000, in which, in a revised rendition of the preceding paragraph, the
author says:
much would it cost to banish ignorance, to deaden lust, to shame rape, to stop
war, to enrich the poor, to empower women, to defend children, to make decent
medical care as globally ubiquitous as Coca-Cola – in short, to get rid of all
the underlying causes of the (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in the third world?"
view was backed by our own Charlene Smith, who wrote in the Washington
Post of June 4, 2000 that:
(in Africa), (AIDS) is spread primarily by heterosexual sex – spurred by men's
attitudes towards women. We won't end this epidemic until we understand the role
of tradition and religion – and of a culture in which rape is endemic and has
become a prime means of transmitting disease, to young women as well as
Chirimuuta's also cite a letter published in the prestigious British medical
journal, The Lancet, contributed by one F. Noireau in 1987. In his
letter, Noireau says:
isolation from monkeys of retroviruses closely related to HIV strongly suggests
a simian origin for this virus... Several unlikely hypotheses have been put
forward to explain the indirect transmission of the virus from monkey to man –
for example, the theory that the disease spread to man through bites or the
cutting up and consumption of monkey meat or the arthropod vector hypothesis.
In his book on the sexual life of people in the Great Lakes area of Africa,
Kashamura writes: 'pour stimuler intense, on leur inocule dans les cuisses, la
region du pubis et le dos du sang preleve sur un singe, pour in homme, sur une
guenon, pour une femme' (to stimulate a man or a woman and induce them to
intense sexual activity, monkey blood (for a man) or she-monkey blood (for a
woman) was directly inoculated in the pubic area and also in the thighs and
back). These magic practices would therefore constitute an efficient
experimental transmission model and could be responsible for the emergence of
AIDS in man."
also quote an article written by two British scientists, Paul Nunn and Keith
McAdam, which appeared in the September 1988 edition of Medicine
International. They say:
scale of the African AIDS epidemic has led to speculation that heterosexual
transmission is more efficient in Africa than elsewhere... Social and cultural
factors, such as the African tradition of male sexual freedom, may also play a
part. The circulation of myths, such as the only cure for AIDS being to
have sex with a virgin is likely to have a greater effect on
transmission in Africa than in developed countries."(Our emphasis).
is instructive for us that this particular insulting fable surfaced in our
country, not as a speculative circumstance broadcast by European intellectuals
in the decade of the '80s, but as a fact of life in the South Africa of the
unfamiliar as we are with the existing huge volume of literature on the issue
of HIV/AIDS, how were we to know that the supposed behaviour of our people was,
in fact, pre-prescribed by the scientists of the developed world! Naturally,
having foretold of its inevitability, these scientists, supported by the media,
discovered this behaviour in our country as well. Was this a self-fulfilling
and inevitably, we too, the Africans, proved, once more, that we were quite
willing to authenticate as the truth what the omnipotent apparatus told us was
the truth. And as we behaved, as it were as to the manner born, we helped to
create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
done this, we then felt very useful when we stood up, relying on such authority
as we enjoyed among the people, to urge them not to do what they had never
thought to do, until we told them they we doing it! Such are the ironies and
tragedies of our age and our condition!
Chirimuuta's also inform us of a report sent to The Lancet in
1987 by a London-based Ghanaian physician, Dr Konotey-Ahulu, after he had
toured sub-Saharan Africa for six weeks. He wrote, like Rian Malan 14 years
tens of thousands are dying from AIDS (and Africans do not cremate their dead)
where are the graves?...
do the world's media appear to have conspired with some scientists to become so
gratuitously extravagant with the untruth?' – that was the question uppermost
in the minds of intelligent Africans and Europeans I met on my tour."
Chirimuuta's also quote an article by A.J. Venter that appeared in the International
Defence Review in 1988, in which the author says:
potential depopulation of much of Black Africa holds serious consequences for
the international community. Africa is still the world's largest single
commodities resource, from uranium, copper and gold all the way through to
hundreds of consumer items as diverse as cocoa, hardwoods, maize and a host of
tropical products...
what if current projections are correct, and more than half the population of
countries like Uganda, Kenya, Zaire and much of equatorial West Africa are
wiped out before the turn of the century?
will fill the vacuum?... It will be interesting to see at what stage the
developed world starts its new scramble for Africa."
a Chapter contributed to the book, "AIDS in Africa and the
Caribbean", eds George C. Bond et al, WestviewPress, 1997, the
Chirimuuta's write:
leading doctors and scientists of their day made their contributions to the
pseudo-science of racism. (vide Fryer P. "Staying Power: the history of
black people in Britain", Pluto Press, London 1984 & Ferguson, J.
"The laboratory of racism", New Scientist 1984,
Sept 27, 103.) When humans were placed at the top of the evolutionary tree,
Africans were allocated a separate species between other humans and apes and
there were numerous suggestions that Africans had sexual intercourse with apes,
or were the result of such unions. As Africans were deemed more akin to animals
than humans, they were by definition incapable of civilised behaviour. They
were believed to be sexually unrestrained and to have larger sexual organs than
other races, and were therefore more prone to sexually transmitted diseases.
They we deceitful, treacherous, lazy, faithless, cruel and bad-tempered.
African skulls were studied and were considered to be smaller than those of
Europeans, establishing beyond doubt that Africans had the lesser intelligence.
In one form or another, explicitly or implicitly, many of these notions have appeared
in the scientific literature about AIDS and Africa."
among a number of examples quoted by the Chirimuuta's is a paper entitled
"Population differences in susceptibility to AIDS: An evolutionary
analysis", Social Science and Medicine 28 (12): 1211-1220,
1989, by Rushton, J.P. and Bogaert, A.F., which says:
we have reported population differences in sexual restraint such that, higher
socio-economic status > lower socio-economic status, and Mongoloids >
Caucasoids > Negroids. This ordering was predicted from a gene-based
evolutionary theory of r/R reproductive strategies in which a trade-off occurs
between gamete production and social behaviours such as intelligence, law
abidingness, and parental care. Here we consider the implications of these
analyses of sexual dysfunction, including susceptibility to AIDS. We conclude
that relative to Caucasians, populations of Asian ancestry are inclined to a
greater frequency of inhibitory disorders such as low sexual excitement and
premature ejaculation and to a lower frequency of sexually transmitted diseases
including AIDS, while populations of African ancestry are inclined to a
greater frequency of uninhibited disorders such as rape and unintended
pregnancy and to more sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS." (Our
Chirimuuta's conclude their own book with the words:
have shown how racism has guided the direction of AIDS research; moreover, that
the problem is not simply the subjective prejudices of individual AIDS
researchers but a racist world-view that coincides with the material
self-interest of research institutions and of the Western governments that fund
them. There is an illusion that science is objective, that scientists search
for the truth irrespective of outside pressures. In reality the only science
that exists is the science that is done, and he who pays the piper calls the
recently than everything we have said about racism and AIDS, what we have
recounted above was illustrated in an ugly racist incident that took place at a
Caravan Park near Port Edward in southern KwaZulu-Natal at the end of December
group of white school children decided to have an end of the year party at this
Caravan Park. Among them was one black boy, Castro Hlongwane, 17, their
he is black, the owners of the Park ordered him to leave, despite the fact that
he was properly booked in together with his white friends. One of the witnesses
to this incident, Amy Godfrey, said this was "pure racism like I have
never seen in my life."
to our story, The Sunday Times of January 6, 2002, reported:
"Schoolmate Ryan Templar, 18, said he was told by (Park owner)
Theresa Smit that Hlongwane had AIDS and would rape other campers."
unsophisticated Theresa Smit expressed openly a conviction and belief that many
other sophisticated Theresa Smit's hold, but would never express in public, because
they are mature practitioners of the deceits of the sophisticated.
they do everything they can to demand the implementation of policies and
programmes based on the conviction and belief that, because he is
black, "Hlongwane has AIDS and will rape other campers"!
they are caught red-handed in their immersion in racism, they readily respond
that their accusers seek to silence them by "playing the race card!"
does the victim of racism get transformed into a racist, while the racist
escapes scot-free by the transformation of the perpetrator into a victim! In
spite of the spectacular advances in science, miracles are still part of our
daily lives!
(NB: the Hlongwane incident and Foot & Mouth Disease have provided
us the title to this dissertation.)
those who question the truth of the statements made by the Chirimuuta's about
'outside pressures' on scientists, we recommend that they read the
well-researched and illuminating novel by John le Carré, "The Constant
Gardener." Most important, this includes the explanatory notes
the author has provided. Please read them carefully, having accepted the need
for suspension of disbelief.
of the fact that the scientific proof is hard to come by, nevertheless the
conviction has taken firm hold that sub-Saharan Africa will surely be wiped out
by an HIV/AIDS pandemic unless, most important of all, we access
anti-retroviral drugs.
urgent and insistent call is made by some of the friends of the Africans, who
are intent that the Africans must be saved from a plague worse than the Black
Death of many centuries ago.
their part, the Africans believe this story, as told by their friends. They too
shout the message that – yes, indeed, we are as you say we are!
we are sex-crazy! Yes, we are diseased!
we spread the deadly HI Virus through our uncontrolled heterosexual sex! In
this regard, yes we are different from the US and Western Europe!
we, the men, abuse women and the girl-child with gay abandon! Yes, among us
rape is endemic because of our culture!
we do believe that sleeping with young virgins will cure us of AIDS! Yes, as a
result of all this, we are threatened with destruction by the HIV/AIDS
what we need, and cannot afford, because we are poor, are condoms and
anti-retroviral drugs!
Africans do not hear the message communicated by the Israeli scientists we
cited, who, among other things said, as they sought to provide a scientific
answer to the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Africa (and the developing world):
average African host is exposed to a huge number of infectious diseases from
early childhood onwards. These include various bacterial, viral and parasitic
infections. Noteworthy is the wide prevalence of helminth infections, malaria
and tuberculosis in most parts of Africa: especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, and
in East and West Africa. Also of central importance is the very high prevalence
of STDs, particularly genital ulcer diseases (GUDs), which play an important
role in facilitating the dissemination of HIV infection into the general
addition to the central role of STDs, important cofactors such as the cultural
habit of scarification, as well as transfusion, hygiene and nutrition, may
facilitate HIV transmission and infection."
the main text of "Eros & Civilisation", Marcuse quotes
Sigmund Freud as having written during and about the First World War:
of the colossal brutality, cruelty and mendacity which is now allowed to spread
itself over the civilised world. Do you really believe that a handful of
unprincipled place-hunters and corrupters of men would have succeeded in
letting loose all this latent evil, if the millions of their followers were not
also guilty?" (Sigmund Freud: A General Introduction to
Psychoanalysis, New York, 1943.)
we think of the colossal intellectual brutality, cruelty and mendacity which is
now allowed to spread over Africa, we need to ask the question – are we the
followers, the Africans, not also guilty!
must ask ourselves whether we do not comply with the image painted by Marcuse:
people, efficiently manipulated and organised, are free; ignorance and
impotence, introjected heteronomy is the price of their freedom."
his time, Marcuse saw a different form of violence being perpetrated against
the victims of poverty and underdevelopment by affluent societies. He said:
makes no sense to talk about liberation to free men – and we are free if we do
not belong to the oppressed minority. And it makes no sense to talk about
surplus repression when men and women enjoy more sexual liberty than ever
before. But the truth is that this freedom and satisfaction are transforming
the earth into hell. The inferno is still concentrated in certain far away
places. Vietnam, the Congo, South Africa, and in the ghettos of the 'affluent
society': in Mississippi and Alabama, in Harlem. These infernal places
illuminate the whole. It is easy and sensible to see in them only pockets of
poverty and misery in a growing society capable of eliminating them gradually
and without a catastrophe. This interpretation may even be realistic and correct.
The question is: eliminated at what cost – not in dollars and cents, but in
human lives and in human freedom? I hesitate to use the word – freedom –
because it is precisely in the name of freedom that crimes against humanity are
being perpetrated. This situation is certainly not new in history: poverty and
exploitation were products of economic freedom; time and again, people were
liberated all over the globe by their lords and masters, and their new liberty
turned out to be submission, not to the rule of law but to the rule of the law
of others."
went on to say:
backwardness may again become the historical chance of turning the wheel of
progress to another direction. Technical and scientific overdevelopment stands
refuted when the radar-equipped bombers, the chemicals, and the 'special
forces' of the affluent society are let loose on the poorest of the earth, on
their shacks, hospitals, and rice fields. The 'accidents' reveal the substance:
they tear the technological veil behind which the real powers are hiding. The
capability to overkill and to overburn, and the mental behaviour that goes with
it are by-products of the development of the productive forces within a system
of exploitation and repression; they seem to become more productive the more
comfortable the system becomes to its privileged subjects. The affluent society
has now demonstrated that it is a society at war; if its citizens have not
noticed it, its victims certainly have... The odds are overwhelmingly on the
side of the powers that be."
yet he entertained the hope that the risen masses of the "backward
countries" would help to unleash a global movement that would humanise the
world. He wrote:
in the more or less affluent societies, productivity has reached a level at
which the masses participate in its benefits, and at which the opposition is
effectively and democratically 'contained', then the conflict between master
and slave is also effectively contained. Or rather, it has changed its social
location. It exists, and explodes, in the revolt of the backward countries
against the intolerable heritage of colonialism and its prolongation by
neo-colonialism... Yet the revolt in the backward countries has found a
response in the advanced countries where youth is in protest against repression
in affluence and war abroad. Revolt against the false fathers, teachers, and
heroes – solidarity with the wretched of the earth: is there any 'organic'
connection between the two facets of the protest?"
time, the explosion and the revolt came to an end. With regard to the
developing countries, Marcuse spoke of the physical violence inflicted on them
by the affluent societies.
he did not foresee the intellectual violence that was to come, as a result of
which we, the Africans, have come to accept that we are the immoral, diseased
and sexually depraved animals which all racism had, from the beginning, defined
us as – the putative Castro Hlongwane's!
did not see that the overkill would be an overkill of the mind, achieved not with
laser directed bombs, but the capacity to over-communicate through satellite
saturation media communication.
he did not see that, in the aftermath of the bombs, this intellectual offensive
would be the trigger that would result in:
from within, (when) the unfree individual introjects his masters and their
commands into his own mental apparatus. The struggle against freedom reproduces
itself in the psyche of man, as the self-repression of the repressed
individual, and his self-repression in turn sustains his masters and their
break out of this condition, with regard to HIV/AIDS, perhaps we need the
rebellion of the intelligentsia he thought was necessary when he wrote:
the degree to which organised labour operates in defense of the status quo, and
to the degree to which the share of labour in the material process of
production declines, intellectual skills and capabilities become social and
political factors. Today, the organised refusal to cooperate of the scientists,
mathematicians, technicians, industrial psychologists, and public opinion
pollsters may well accomplish what a strike, even a large-scale strike, can no
longer accomplish but once accomplished, namely, the beginning of the reversal,
the preparation of the ground for political action. That the idea appears
utterly unrealistic does not reduce the political responsibility involved in
the position and function of the intellectual in contemporary
industrial society."
Chapter XII
the help of some of these intellectuals, we have learnt to
analyse the acronym AIDS. The omnipotent apparatus told us that this is a disease.
What we have come to understand is that it is a syndrome. It is
uncontestable that AIDS stand for the – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
to this is the proposition of immune deficiency (ID). There is
no question but that there is such a condition with regard to human health.
there is no debate about the ID in AIDS.
also represents the concept – acquired. This is to distinguish
acquired (secondary) immune deficiency from primary immune
deficiency. Again, there is no controversy about this. It can be proved
scientifically that there are both primary and acquired immune deficiencies.
means that, so far, there is no dispute about the AID in AIDS.
through primary or secondary factors, it is possible, and does
happen, that immune deficiency develops. As a result of this deficiency, the
body is unable to defend itself from a large variety of otherwise curable
diseases. The collection of these diseases that, most typically, attack the
person suffering from immune deficiency, together constitute a syndrome.
is therefore clear that the concept and the reality of AIDS is one of the
challenges that we, the Africans, have to deal with. We have to wage a war
against the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). All this is simple to
understand and to explain.
omnipotent apparatus then intervenes. It says that immune deficiency is
acquired solely from the HI Virus. It also says that AIDS is one disease, with
one cause and one set of symptoms. It is not a syndrome that manifests itself
in a number of diseases!
And, therefore, the 'syndrome' is deliberately designated as a 'disease'!
is here that the problem begins, because the question must be answered whether
we are dealing with a disease or a syndrome. This question arises despite what
we quoted earlier, from what a French scientist said about AIDS not being a
'disease' in the 'ordinary' sense of the word, but a 'disease' nevertheless.
foresaw a day when the intelligentsia would lose its fear of the omnipotent
apparatus and act in the interests of the ordinary working people. Many African
lives would be saved, if this intelligentsia picked up courage now, simply to
state what is objectively scientifically correct with regard to the many
matters that relate to AIDS.
Africans, one of the matters we have come to understand is that the critical
issue to which we have to attend is immune deficiency.
means that we have to do everything possible to protect and strengthen our
immune systems. These healthy immune systems would then be able successfully to
discharge their mission of protecting our bodies from the diseases to which
they are exposed.
is the matter on which we are focused as we wage a relentless fight against
AIDS. The objective we seek to achieve is that our immune systems must be
strong enough to defeat everything that attacks the body, including HIV.
the contrary, the omnipotent apparatus demands that we should focus on fighting
HIV with anti-retroviral drugs. Despite the fact that these drugs cannot
destroy this virus, which the omnipotent apparatus admits, nevertheless it
demands that we must buy and use them.
drugs also work further to weaken the immune system. Whether the omnipotent
apparatus acknowledges this or not, a large volume of scientific information
exists that proves the toxic, anti-immune effect of these drugs, as indicated
the US health authorities, as we have indicated, have had the courage publicly
to admit that the drugs designed to fight the Virus, rather than strengthen the
immune system to fight the Virus, are, indeed, highly toxic. These authorities
have therefore laid down specific rules governing the prescription of these
is perfectly clear that we, the Africans, cannot meet these conditions, which
we explained earlier in this monograph.
this point of view, we can deduce that the question that life has posed is
simple and straightforward. It is – what should the focus of scientific
research and development be!
it be the development of medicaments to fight the HI Virus!
it be the development of medicaments to strengthen the immune system so that
the body can fight the HI Virus!
of the problems with this is that the former creates the possibility for those
who produce drugs to make a lot of money. The latter creates the possibility
for those who produce drugs to lose a lot of money.
ensure the success of the latter, in the interest of the people, guarantees
that a war will be waged against these, to serve the interests of those who
want to make a lot of money. This makes it certain that, ahead of us, we have a
hard fight, unless, of course, we succumb to the notion that condoms and
anti-retroviral drugs constitute the solution to our problems.
of the might of the omnipotent apparatus, Marcuse said:
price of progress is frightfully high, but we shall overcome. Not only the
deceived victims but also their chief of state have said so."
is clear that there are some within African society who are not prepared to pay
this price. These think that the view that we shall overcome is mere and
poisoned pie in the sky. This includes some of the intellectuals that Marcuse
would summon to the barricades.
of such an intellectual in 1912, the Irish poet and patriot, W.B. Yeats, said:
have had an interminable letter from a man called Strangways suggesting
alterations in (the Indian poet Rabindranath) Tagore's (Yeats) translation. He
is the sort of man societies like the India Society fatten. He is a manifest
goose. I want (you) to get the society to understand that I am to edit this
book & that they are (to) send me proofs as any other publisher would. I
cannot argue with a man who thinks that 'the ripples are rampant in the river'
should be changed because 'rampant' suggests to his goose brains 'opposition to
something'. I am very busy – I work like a clerk – and I cannot carry on a
correspondence with this man. I have replied politely saying I would go
carefully through the text in proof but do please see that he goes back to his
in: "W.B.Yeats, A Life: I – The Apprentice Mage", by R.F.
Foster, Oxford University Press, 1997.)
too have our own geese, posing as writers, thinkers and scientists, who have
been fattened by the equivalent of the India Society. To justify their feed,
they work hard to build repression from within our ranks. It would be good if
we could assist them to return to their ponds as quickly as possible, taking
their goose brains with them.
are the same cats that seek to befriend the elephant, of whom Mark Twain was
cats or geese, one purpose they serve for those who fatten them, is to
medicalise poverty and underdevelopment. Thus problems that require a
determined global effort to end African poverty and underdevelopment are
presented, with African acquiescence, as problems that can be solved with
condoms and drugs.
a bout of sustained public agitation, the affluent societies, the friends of
the Africans, can meet the cost of the latter. Happily for them, this would
unburden them of the responsibility to find the unimaginably larger resources
that are required to address the former.
this was done, we, for our part, would have no basis to urge the affluent to
act in solidarity with us. After all, we would have been rescued from a
catastrophe and a cataclysm worse than our poverty and under-development – the
HIV/AIDS pandemic!
omnipotent apparatus has adduced all manner of argument precisely to lead us in
this direction. Among other things, it has sought to ridicule and denounce even
accessing of the Internet by some of our leaders, as the height of risible and
"unscientific" behaviour.
has also advanced the extraordinary argument that our political leaders in
government should not comment on scientific questions. It demands – leave
science to the scientists!
our government heeded this absurd argument, it would then have to cede the
exercise of the function of government to the specialists!
logic of the argument of the omnipotent apparatus is – leave the economy to the
education to the pedagogues!
agriculture to the agriculturalists!
mining to the engineers and the geologists!
social development to the sociologists and the anthropologists!
defence to the generals!
the environment to the ecologists!
politics to the political scientists!
health to the medical doctors!
sanitation to... and so on!
of the need to access the best available scientific advice on the all-important
issue of HIV/AIDS, without abandoning its responsibility to govern, our
government did, in fact, constitute a Presidential International
Scientific AIDS Panel, to help provide answers to the questions posed
in this document.
Panel has published its Interim Report, which includes the decisions it has
taken to seek to answer these questions, scientifically. But because the
scientists who make up this Panel decided to behave as scientists, the
omnipotent apparatus decided to treat their Interim Report as part of the
non-conformity it is committed to punish.
it could not denounce the scientists for behaving as scientists, it decided to
kill and bury their Interim Report by silence. In this instance, it applied the
principle it knows well – if it is not known, it does not exist!
Not known, though known, is precisely the fact that, contrary to what
our government is being charged with not doing, it has, in fact, gone back to
the science intelligentsia whose task it is to inquire, and asked them to
inquire and to advise the government, as scientists.
the omnipotent apparatus is intent that this known fact should become unknown.
Thus will its campaign succeed to present our government as a monkey troupe of
imbeciles, intent to trouble an established and comfortable world of
ecclesiastic belief and practice.
believes that unless it is stopped, this simian troop of African clowns will
thrive and grow fat and important, feasting on dangerous ignorance.
hope that the Panel of Scientists will do their work, loyal to their
consciences as scientists and true to their courage as people of integrity.
What they have to do is of the greatest importance to us as a people.
Inevitably, for no fault of their own, what they have to do is both about
science and politics.
us, the recipients of their expert knowledge and advice, their work is about
our health and our dignity as human beings. It is about helping to find answers
to many unanswered questions about HIV/AIDS.
Chapter XIII
1 No 4, 2001 of the journal, ANC Today, carried an article about
some of these questions. It said:
"The New York Times (carried an) article...
entitled "The AIDS Questions that Linger"... written by Lawrence K.
Altman, M.D. of the NYT. It was published on 30 January (2001). "Early in his article, Dr Altman quotes Sandra Thurman, the top
AIDS official in the Clinton administration, saying: "People say that
the more we learn about HIV, the more we realise we don't know a whole
lot." (Our emphasis). "On the contrary, our own (South African) opposition alliance is
convinced that it knows everything that needs to be known about HIV.
Undoubtedly, it has the answers to the questions posed by Dr Altman, who
writes that the list of unanswered questions about HIV/AIDS " could fill
a newspaper, and even then would create debate". "Among others, Dr Altman poses the following questions:
its pursuit of the necessary answers to these and other unanswered questions,
the South African Government has nevertheless put in place an anti-AIDS
programme, as good as any other anywhere in the world. This is contained in the "HIV/AIDS/STD
Strategic Plan for South Africa: 2000-2005."
in the goals of the Plan, which are currently being pursued, are:
the omnipotent apparatus is not satisfied with this programme, which is based
on the thesis – "HIV causes AIDS causes Death". It
denounces the South African government as being "in denial" and not
doing much to fight the 'HIV/AIDS pandemic'.
achieve its purposes, once more it takes care that this Strategic Plan that is
known becomes unknown. It creates the perceived reality that what
exists does not exist. It convinces people who should know, that
nothing is being done when something is being done. Thus does the message
spread throughout the world that ours is a genocidal government.
question arises – why is the omnipotent apparatus so angry when the kind of
programme that is closest to its heart has, in fact, been adopted and is being
simple answer to this question is that this programme, as implemented in South
Africa, does not include wide-spread availability of anti-retroviral drugs
within the public health system.
South African government is not spending the billions of Rands on these drugs
that would be like music to the ears of those who sell these drugs.
is happening in a situation in which economic surveys have told those who are
interested, that among the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa (and
Botswana) are in economic terms, potentially the most lucrative markets for
anti-retroviral drugs.
tomorrow, the government were to announce that it was making these drugs
generally available within the public health system, it would be showered with
praises and a surfeit of congratulations. Overnight, our country would be
redefined as one of the best fighters against HIV/AIDS.
is in spite of what The New York Times said, as we have
already reported, that – "such drugs are not a cure for AIDS nor do
they prevent the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS".
question that the South African government will have to answer for itself is
whether it chooses an A-rating because it is making
anti-retroviral drugs generally available, or it addresses the real health
concerns of the millions of our people!
government, and the country, are, of course, also awaiting the report from Statistics
South Africa (SSA) and others, on health and mortality
will provide as accurate a basis as possible of the burden of disease in our
country. It will help to ensure that our health and other programmes are
properly focused to address all the actual diseases and health risks our people
face, and not just AIDS.
the meantime, despite the fury of the omnipotent apparatus last year generated
by reference to this table, and therefore the truth about the health of our
people, we reproduce below the latest figures available to us.
AFRICA - 1995 |
% OF 29 CAUSES |
All causes |
137751 |
101547 |
239298 |
External causes |
36138 |
10337 |
46475 |
1 |
19.83923708 |
Diseases of the circulatory system |
19854 |
21045 |
40899 |
2 |
17.45895551 |
Signs,symptoms&other ill-defined conditions |
17278 |
14678 |
31956 |
3 |
13.64136977 |
Malignant neoplasms |
12743 |
10427 |
23170 |
4 |
9.890804156 |
TB of the respiratory system+other forms |
8414 |
3946 |
12360 |
5 |
5.276233896 |
Bronchitis,emphysema,asthma&other respiratory |
6647 |
4220 |
10867 |
6 |
4.638902407 |
Pneumonia |
5394 |
4690 |
10084 |
7 |
4.304655551 |
Senility without mention of psychosis |
3096 |
5714 |
8810 |
8 |
3.76081073 |
Birth trauma&other originating in perinatal period |
4456 |
3770 |
8226 |
9 |
3.511512947 |
Diabetes mellitus |
3145 |
4900 |
8045 |
10 |
3.43424771 |
Other intenstinal infectious diseases |
3405 |
3169 |
6574 |
11 |
2.806307575 |
HIV disease |
2653 |
2568 |
5221 |
12 |
2.228739253 |
Septicaemia |
1864 |
1827 |
3691 |
13 |
1.575613213 |
Nephritis,nephrotic syndrome&nephrosis |
1661 |
1628 |
3289 |
14 |
1.404007547 |
Other diseases of the digestive system |
1593 |
1056 |
2649 |
15 |
1.130804498 |
Chronic liver disease&cirrhosis |
1421 |
590 |
2011 |
16 |
0.858455208 |
Malnutrition&nutritional deficiencies |
924 |
822 |
1746 |
17 |
0.74533207 |
Epilepsy |
1053 |
559 |
1612 |
18 |
0.688130181 |
Other diseases of nervous system |
824 |
638 |
1462 |
19 |
0.624098216 |
Meningitis |
626 |
503 |
1129 |
20 |
0.481947255 |
Ulcer of stomach & duodenum |
556 |
407 |
963 |
21 |
0.411085214 |
Other infectious & parasitic diseases |
397 |
183 |
580 |
22 |
0.247590264 |
Other viral diseases |
319 |
259 |
578 |
23 |
0.246736504 |
Anaemias |
202 |
299 |
501 |
24 |
0.213866762 |
Mental disorders |
362 |
119 |
481 |
25 |
0.205329167 |
Congenital heart anomalies&circulatory system |
241 |
217 |
458 |
26 |
0.195510932 |
Sexually transmitted diseases |
109 |
78 |
187 |
27 |
0.079826516 |
Malaria |
88 |
39 |
127 |
28 |
0.05421373 |
Typhoid fever |
61 |
46 |
107 |
29 |
0.045676135 |
234258 |
our work, concretely to respond to our actual burden of disease, the approach
taken would do well to draw on such experience as that of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) in India. In August 2001, the UNDP explained its
approach to health matters in India in the following way:
a close nexus between poverty and powerlessness, and given UNDP's
global mandate of poverty eradication, UNDP India in close consultation with
the Government decided to support interventions which promote access to basic
services in the areas of health, education and prevention of HIV/AIDS. (Our
interventions focus on empowerment of communities as a basic prerequisite for
human development, and are being implemented in convergence with ongoing
UNDP-supported initiatives in other areas...
lack of access to quality health care has been identified as a leading cause of
human deprivation in India...
"Expensive disease-oriented programmes tend to enhance dependency
and weaken community capacities to cope with the issue of prevention. Experience has shown
that wherever people have been empowered and provided appropriate information,
resources and encouragement, the efforts have yielded better results at a
much lower cost. (Our emphases).
interventions with the Government in the health sector are directed towards
facilitating a fresh consideration of these issues from a social perspective. The
effort is to make visible the links between health and poverty, and to
demonstrate a range of equity-based interventions that would have a direct,
even critical bearing on public health... (Our emphasis).
is extending support to a Government project that has been created to develop
and demonstrate three inter-related but independent model interventions in the
areas of Multi-sectoral Approach to Health, School Health and Community Health
Care Financing. The project is based on the assumption that empowered
communities, in partnerships with local government units and Community-Based
Organisations/Non-Governmental Organisations, can plan, implement and manage
their own health programmes...
pilot interventions focus on diseases which basically emanate from poverty and
ignorance, and which have their roots in the social, economic and political
system. These diseases account for more than 80 per cent of all disease
incidence and are mainly preventable infectious diseases caused by the
lack of adequate nutrition, safe drinking water, a healthy habitat, basic
maternal and child care and health awareness. (Our emphasis).
subjects like public health, sanitation, drinking water supply and women and
child care form a part of the functions of the Panchayats (local
self-government) and municipalities, this pilot initiative focuses on
developing capacities of these institutions of local self-government to respond
to the health needs of communities...
initiatives with somewhat varying strategies and emphasis are being
simultaneously undertaken under this pilot programme :
"Urban School Health Initiative: Assisted by a local health NGO,
this pilot initiative focuses on building capacities of school teachers, Parent
Teacher Associations (PTAs) and Government health personnel in select clusters,
and has helped to develop a common perspective and understanding of the health
of children.
intervention supports training of one teacher from each class to do the initial
screening of children in her/his class. PTAs are playing a critical role not
only in monitoring the programme interventions but also in carrying the issues
of hygiene and sanitation into their own neighbourhoods.
"Initiative for Learning Disabilities: With technical
backstopping and assistance in networking from the Society for Rehabilitation
of Cognitive and Communicative Disorders, this initiative builds on the
experience of Government's District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) in
community mobilisation for advocacy on issues of learning disabilities.
Educated youth in the community are being identified and trained along with
school teachers and Primary Health Care (PHC) doctors and other health
personnel to assist in screening children, providing ongoing support for
children with mild learning disabilities and in maintaining a record of the
progress of each child...
interventions are being carried out in select sites in the state of West Bengal
and Karnataka. Women's groups already working among communities in the area
under various government projects are being supported to mobilise resources,
including premiums for risk, for managing health care financing, so as to ensure
access to quality primary health care and services. The intervention is helping
to establish a linkage between NGOs and the existing health practitioners in
the area and building their capacities to respond appropriately to the health
care demands of the community. The project is also, in close collaboration with
the National Insurance Company trying to evolve insurance packages of the poor
(through shared risks) for better utilization of the existing primary health
care facilities...
support focuses on creating an enabling environment for selected groups such as
people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. The activities cover counselling at
the individual level, education and alternative vocational training,
micro-credit facilities for setting up small enterprises at the community level
and night shelters for children of commercial sex workers.
issues such as accepting children in schools without requiring the father's
name are being supported at the state level. In partnership with the Confederation
of Indian Industry (CII), the workplace activities include interventions for
health/medical insurance and job replacements for those affected with the
project envisages support and endorsements from political leaders, religious
leaders, opinion-makers, health care practitioners, lawyers and police so that
people living with HIV can continue to contribute to society.
strategies and interventions under the UNDP-supported project will also
converge with the work of the Regional project on HIV/AIDS for South and South
West Asia. The Regional project is focusing on issues such as mobility and
migration, and is exploring a range of legal and ethical issues related to
addition to the directions suggested by the UNDP, we must continue to focus on
the established policies with regard to health care. These include:
Recently, Professor
Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard University chaired a commission of the WHO called
the "Commission on Macroeconomics and Health". When he
presented the findings of the Commission at the Novartis Foundation for
Sustainable Development 'Health and Development' Symposium, on December 4,
2001, Professor Sachs said:
commission found the disturbing, distressing, but not surprising fact that
literally millions of people – perhaps it is to save more than ten million
people per year – are dying of readily preventable or treatable conditions. An
overwhelming proportion of these are unnecessary deaths in the low income
countries. And overwhelmingly among those deaths are deaths due to communicable
diseases of course. The overwhelming proportion of the avoidable mortality
falls into a small subset of categories which all of you know well: malaria,
AIDS, tuberculoses, diarrhoeal disease, acute respiratory infection,
micronutrient deficiency, vaccine preventable diseases and unsafe childbirth,
basically because of unattended childbirth which results in mortality rates for
mothers a thousand times higher in the poor countries than in the rich
countries. So it is a relatively well defined group of diseases which accounts
for the overwhelming access of disease burden – both morbidity and mortality –
in the poor countries... Everybody knows that higher income would improve
health outcomes. People are probably not as aware of how poor health impedes
economic development in the economic growth. We pulled together a great deal of
evidence – and some of it original – showing indeed that poor health is a major
barrier to economic development itself... So we have a situation where even for
the most basis and humble diseases – like measles where there is still almost a
million deaths per year – as well as for the complex treatments for
anti-retroviral therapy, treatments are not reaching poor people... The
poor in the world are unimaginably poor... " (Our emphasis).
Sachs went on to address the issue of the resources needed to address the
health challenge in the developing countries. He reported that that, because
they are poor, these countries have no possibility whatsoever to
generate the funds that are urgently and desperately needed. He said:
we costed out with considerable care in more detail than has ever been done
before the levels of donor assistance spending that will be needed to meet
these essential health interventions: it all comes down to aboutone tenth of
one percent of GNP of the rich countries. One tenth of one percent of
the current twenty-five trillion dollars of the high-income economy GNP
combining the US, Europe, Japan and a few other rich countries, that is about
25 billion dollars per year. With that level of commitment from the rich
countries, we believe it would be possible to make very deep inroads into
disease control against the great pandemic diseases – to treat AIDS-patients,
to address malaria, to get substantial coverage for patients on directly
observed therapy for tuberculoses, to increase immunisation rates, to address
diarrhoeal and acute respiratory infectious diseases and to dramatically scale
up access to save child birth. And at the same time to put in about three
billion dollars a year into increased research and development (R&D)
spending for new medicines in partnership between private industry and the public
sector. So we believe that it would be possible to make a comprehensive
the last two years or so, our political leadership, and others in the world
condemned and marginalised as 'dissidents', have advanced exactly the
same arguments presented by Professor Sachs and his Commission. In response,
this leadership, and the scientists, have been denounced as genocidal and
therefore criminal, a bunch of blackguards that must be excommunicated from
human society - neutralised!
example of what our government has been saying is reflected in the speech made
by our President at the opening of the Durban 13th International
AIDS Conference, as reported earlier in this monograph.
anti-HIV paid professional civil society (the NGO's), a powerful regiment of
scientists, including some of our own, and the mass media, condemned this
speech, which was based on what the WHO had said in
its published official documents.
Chapter XIV
Parks Mankahlana rose from his deathbed to oppose this campaign against the
President and the truth. He spoke in words that polite society, the friends of
the Africans, considered unacceptable because they were not pretty.
then he died, vanquished by the anti-retroviral drugs he was wrongly persuaded
to consume. He suffered from anaemia and received dedicated attention from his
doctor. Nevertheless he died prematurely, because some, other than his
doctor, advised him to take anti-retroviral drugs.
professionals who fed him the drugs that rendered his anaemia treatment
ineffective by destroying his immune system, remain free to feed others with
the same drugs. They live to tell us and the world that their patient, who was
not their patient, died of a virus they had never found in his body.
then came young Nkosi.
too, died, vanquished by the anti-retroviral drugs he was forced to consume.
because he was too young to have a voice of his own, unlike Parks Mankahlana,
the omnipotent apparatus gave him a new identity.
his parentage and his family, it re-named him "Johnson". He
became the property and the hapless dependent of a world to which he did not
belong. He was reborn as a creature of the imagination and the resources of
white South Africa.
world decided to accord him the status of a hero, the new Hector
Petersen murdered not by the apartheid regime, but by our country's
democratic government. The pain of his unnecessary death, and the undignified
media pictures of his suffering, were a platform that was used to market
precisely the drugs that killed this child.
then the call was made that we should all convene at his last place of rest to
celebrate the fact that he had spoken words that adults had put into his mouth;
to confess guilt that we had not fed him with anti-retroviral drugs, (which
other 'benefactors' provided); to give thanks that others had taken him away
from his family; to deify him, and therefore those who supervised his
progression to death, as the new heroes and heroines of the struggle for a new
South Africa.
because this was a new struggle, defined and led by people other than his own,
his ultimate name had to be Johnson!
his grandparents watched his small coffin descend into his grave, they had to
accept that their grandchild would be identified and remembered forever, not as
their own, but the progeny of another, acceptable to the omnipotent apparatus -
which they were and are not – Johnson!
his speech at the Durban World AIDS Conference, the President did not say
anything different from what the official WHO Sachs Commission
has now said.
wait to see whether the authorised and official WHO Sachs Commission will
meet the same cruel fate as our President did at the hands of the omnipotent
English poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, wrote a poem entitled "Hymn to
Intellectual Beauty". It said:
why the sunlight not forever
rainbows o'er yon mountain river,
aught should fail and fade that once is shown,
fear and dream and death and birth
on the daylight of this earth
gloom, - why man has such a scope
love and hate, despondency and hope?"
when our government asked the scientists to answer the questions that had not
been answered, we expected too much of them. We expected them to help us to
answer the questions that Shelley posed. We expected that they would give us
the knowledge forever to weave rainbows over the rivers that spring in the
mountains of Ukhahlamba.
Chapter XV
we are African, who have to overcome centuries of treatment as the repulsive
and unacceptable Other, could we avoid to ask the question – why have fellow
human beings such a scope for love and hate, despondency and hope!
about "Colonial War and Mental Disorders", Frantz Fanon said:
have since 1954 in various scientific works drawn the attention of both French
and international psychiatrists to the difficulties that arise when seeking to
'cure' a native properly, that is to say, when seeking to make him thoroughly a
part of a social background of the colonial type. (For example: when a Nkosi is
transformed into a Johnson. <Our addition.>)
it is a systematic negation of the other person and a furious determination to
deny the other person all attributes of humanity, colonialism forces the people
it dominates to ask themselves the question constantly: 'In reality, who am
we have asked the questions that we have, of scientists, of the intelligentsia
of the world. Since we have done this, because we could not do otherwise,
Marcuse may be proved to have been correct, that:
backwardness may again become the historical chance of turning the wheel of
progress to another direction."
for this to happen will require of us, and the scientists, the courage to face
up to the omnipotent apparatus, conscious of its power and capacity to punish
non-conformity. The question is – do we have a choice!
spite of our friends, the friends of Africa, we must stand up to say that we
have had enough of the insults that demean Africans, whatever their
nationality. The time has come that we gather the courage and the intellect to
say that we too are human, as human as any other human being.
are neither freaks, nor do we behave like freaks.
have never been barbarians and are not now.
are poor.
live in conditions of under-development.
are concentrated within the tropics and suffer from and enjoy the physical
conditions that nature has imposed on this part of the globe.
of this makes us sub-human.
should the impact of disease, including AIDS, that afflicts us, be used in the
name of questionable science and friendship with us, to reduce us to a peculiar
species of humanity likely to slip back into a state of savagery.
the "Africans and Europeans" that Dr Konotey-Ahulu of Ghana met when
he spent six weeks touring sub-Saharan Africa, we must pose the question:
"Why do the world's media appear to have conspired with some
scientists to become so gratuitously extravagant with the untruth?"
posing of that question begins the process of the humanisation of the African.
if we have been deceived before, we must know that the asking of this question,
to which the omnipotent apparatus will object most strenuously, means that we shall overcome
the centuries of racism that continue to define a subservient place for us in
the world.
must also know that we have succeeded to produce geese among us that have been
fattened by those who hold us in contempt.
of his own country, the African-Brazilian, Abdias do Nascimento, says:
people require a scientific knowledge that allows them to formulate
theoretically – in systematic and consistent form – their experience of almost
five centuries of oppression, resistance, and creative struggle. There will be
inevitable errors, perhaps, in our search for systematisation of our social
values, in our efforts towards self-definition and self-determination of
ourselves and our future paths.
"For centuries we have carried the burden of the crimes and
falsities of 'scientific' Eurocentrism, its dogmas imposed upon our being as
the brands of a definitive, 'universal' truth. Now we return to
the obstinate 'white' segment of Brazilian society its lies, its ideology of
European supremacy, the brainwashing with which it intended to rob us of our
humanity, our national identity, our dignity, our liberty. By proclaiming the
demise of Eurocentric mental colonisation, we celebrate the advent of quilombist liberation."
(Our emphasis).
must also remember what the demographer told Rian Malan about South African and
African HIV/AIDS statistics:
don't have much faith. It's essentially a modelling exercise, and the exercise
has always seemed to have a political dimension."
did we ever succumb to the introjected heteronomy, and presumed that there was
no political dimension - only science, the truth, friendship and light!
may be that Frantz Fanon provided some of the answers to this question about
our 'introjected heteronomy' when he wrote 'On National Culture'
we consider the efforts made to carry out the cultural estrangement so
characteristic of the colonial epoch, we realise that nothing has been left to
chance and that the total result looked for by colonial domination was
indeed to convince the natives that colonialism came to lighten their darkness. The
effect consciously sought by colonialism was to drive in the natives' heads the
idea that if the settlers were to leave, they would at once fall back into
barbarism, degradation, and bestiality. (Our emphasis).
the unconscious plane, colonialism therefore did not seek to be
considered by the native as a gentle, loving mother who protects her child from
a hostile environment, but rather as a mother who unceasingly restrains her
fundamentally perverse offspring from managing to commit suicide and from
giving free rein to its evil instincts. The colonial mother protects her child
from itself, from its ego, and from its psychology, its biology, and its own
unhappiness which is its very essence." (Our emphasis).
this (African) child which, according to the colonialist paradigm has no
natural parents, becomes an object such policy as would be determined by its
imposed, but real, surrogate, colonial, mother.
mother and her society intervene to decide what is good for the child,
regardless of what the child thinks. They do this to protect the child from
what it thinks and feels. And so the child is exposed to all the violence that
the mother will visit on the child to assert her authority and to restrain it
from the folly of its thoughts and actions.
it and its mother, a struggle is joined, centred on the question of power,
money and pure survival.
it and its mother there is a titanic contest centred on the conviction of the
mother that her offspring is diseased with HIV/AIDS and that it infects itself
with a destructive virus because of its depravity.
mother demands that, to save itself, the child must abide by a religious dogma
she has elaborated, given her power as a goddess, of chastity, condoms and
child fights to tell the truth about its experience and reality. But it cannot
defeat the concentration of financial, media, political and institutional
forces that are determined to ensure that the colonial mother protects her
child from itself, from its ego, and from its psychology, its biology, and its
own unhappiness which is its very essence.
to feed itself, the child must either accept the material and intellectual food
from its mother, or perish.
the same time, the child cannot escape from the hostile environment created by
the same mother who, in the natural world, is supposed to protect her child
from such an environment.
this situation, it is clear that as Africans, we must learn well the
instructions of Sun Tzu, the Chinese strategist, who lived more
than two millennia ago. For its part, the omnipotent apparatus understands what
he said, thoroughly. He said:
the enemy approaches carelessly and without a plan, when his flags and banners
are confused and disorderly, when both men and horses often look to the rear,
one can attack an enemy force ten times his own and surely rout it.
the forces of the feudal lords have not yet assembled, when sovereigns and
ministers are not in accord, when moats and ramparts are not yet completed,
when prohibitions and commands are not yet published, when the entire host is
in an uproar, when they wish to advance and cannot, or to retire and do not
dare, then one may attack an enemy twice his size, and in one hundred battles
there will be no calamity."
(Sun Tzu: The Art of War: tr. Samuel B. Griffith, Oxford
University Press, 1963.)
as we have fought for our humanisation and humanity as Africans, our flags and
banners have been confused and disorderly.
sovereigns and the ministers have not been in accord. Our defensive moats and
ramparts have not been in place. We have wished to advance and could not. We
have sought to retire but dared not. Because of all this, those who have
opposed us, the omnipotent apparatus, have fought us in a hundred battles
without experiencing any calamity.
when we have won strategic battles, despite the omnipotent apparatus, we have
not recognised our historic victories.
at last, we must understand in its fullest meaning that the struggle to win our
right, as Africans, to be accepted by all, as human beings, is one of the most
difficult struggles we will ever be called upon to wage. It calls for
determination and perseverance. It demands new sacrifices. It will produce its
own martyrs.
must we recognise that, even among the Africans, we have seen that the best
lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. In spite
of everything we are and what we have done, some among us are capable of being
must identify the cats and the geese in our midst. We must say that we have
seen how easy it is even for those, including Africans, who walk our streets as
respectable citizens, to be gratuitously extravagant with the untruth about us.
read Sun Tzu, we must, at last, say – no more shall we approach carelessly and
without a plan. The ceremony of African innocence is drowned!
will fight for and defend the reality that we are African and human. Young
Castro Hlongwane must never again be expelled from the Caravan Park. No longer
must Africans be outcasts from the caravan park and the global village.
longer will the Africans accept as the unalterable truth that they are a
dependent people that emanates from and inhabits a continent shrouded in a
terrible darkness of destructive superstition, driven and sustained by
ignorance, hunger and underdevelopment, and that is victim to a self-inflicted
"disease" called HIV/AIDS.
For centuries we have carried the burden of the crimes and falsities of
'scientific' Eurocentrism, its dogmas imposed upon our being as the brands of a
definitive, 'universal' truth.
this, we have, in struggle, made the statement to which we will remain loyal –
that we are human and African!
we are human, we shall no longer permit of control by a colonial mother who
claims for herself the right unceasingly to restrain us from reclaiming our
We shall overcome!